Aminolone for children: instructions for use and reviews

A supplement called aminolone is becoming more well-known due to its possible advantages for young patients. This supplement, which promotes general well-being, is frequently suggested for a number of medical issues. However, what is aminolone exactly and how can it benefit your child?

We’ll go into great detail about aminolone in this post, including its applications, suggested dosage, and potential health effects on your child. We’ll also look at actual parent and expert reviews to provide you with a fair assessment of its efficacy and security.

Continue reading to learn more about the advantages of Aminolone for kids, whether you’re thinking about giving it to your kids or you’re just interested in learning more about it.

Release form

Aminolone is supplied as tablets with a covering. Such a medication comes in packs of 50 or 100 tablets.


The medication’s active ingredient is gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA for short. This compound comes in a dosage of 250 mg (0.25 g) per tablet. The medication also includes wheat flour, magnesium stearate, sucrose, and hydroxycarbonate.

Principle of action

Because the drug’s active ingredient can affect how the nervous system’s tissues metabolize substances, it is categorized as a nootropic. It is a neurotransmitter that functions in processes of inhibition.

Watch this informative video to learn about the benefits Aminalon gamma-aminobutyric acid has on the human brain.

  • Energy processes in brain cells.
  • Respiratory activity of CNS cells.
  • Removal of toxic compounds from the tissues of the nervous system.
  • Blood supply to nerve tissues.
  • Utilization of glucose in the brain.
  • Dynamics of nerve processes.
  • Productivity of thinking.
  • State of memory.

In addition, the medication has a slight anticonvulsant effect and a moderate stimulating effect on the psyche. In cases where motor and speech functions have been compromised—due to an injury, for instance—the medication aids in their restoration. In addition, aminolone can lower blood pressure to a moderate degree and lower glucose levels in people with diabetes mellitus.


Children may be prescribed aminolone:

  • With intracranial injuries, as well as after birth brain injuries.
  • With cerebral palsy.
  • With speech delay, memory impairment or attention problems.
  • With mental retardation.
  • With problems with vestibular function.
  • With severe headaches.
  • To eliminate behavioral and mental disorders caused by taking sleeping pills or sedatives.
  • With depression.
  • With increased sleepiness.
  • With air or sea sickness (motion sickness).

From what age is it allowed to take?

It is stated in the Aminalon usage instructions that children younger than one year old should not take this medication.


It is not advisable to take aminolone if:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Acute renal failure.

Side effects

Blood pressure swings may occur in patients during the first few days of treatment. Aminalone may also cause the child’s body to react with nausea, indigestion, vomiting, a sense of heat, sleeplessness, or elevated body temperature. It is advised that the dosage be decreased if these symptoms appear.

Watch this video to learn more about how nootropics affect the brain from practicing physician Natalia Schneider:

Instructions for use and dosage

The child is given the medication to drink prior to meals. It is okay to crush the tablet and combine it with a tiny bit of water if the baby is unable to swallow it whole. It is not advised to administer the medication at night.

For children aged 1-3, 1-2 grams of GABA (equivalent to 4–8 Aminalone tablets) should be taken daily. Two to three grams of the active ingredient (8 to 12 Aminalon tablets daily) are prescribed for children ages 4-6, and three grams per day (12 tablets daily) for those who turn seven.

The medication is administered in two or three doses. The medication is administered in the early going at a somewhat lower dosage, such as one tablet twice a day.

When should I take Aminalon? Typically, treatment is ongoing and lasts for two to three weeks. For up to four months, the medication may be prescribed to kids who have developmental delays. After six to eight months, if needed, the child is prescribed Aminalon once more.

The medication is taken three times a day, up to four days prior to the trip, in a dose of 0.25 g (1 tablet), to prevent motion sickness.


Although the medication is thought to be low-toxic, a substantial overdose of Aminalon in children (10 grams or more of the active ingredient) can result in:

  • Nausea.
  • Lethargy.
  • Headaches.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fever.
  • Abdominal pain.

This situation does not call for special treatment. The child’s stomach is cleaned, and medications such as Smecta or Polysorb—which coat the gastrointestinal mucosa and hasten the removal of toxins—are administered.

Interaction with other drugs

Any medication that improves the way the central nervous system functions is made more effective when Aminalon is used. GABA’s effectiveness is increased when benzodiazepines are used. Aminalon will cause a more noticeable drop in blood pressure if antihypertensive medications are also prescribed.

Terms of sale

Aminalon cannot be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. A bundle of one hundred tablets costs between 160 and 170 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The medication must be used within three years of the date of manufacture, which is its expiration date. Aminalon should be kept out of the direct sunlight and at a temperature below +25 °C until that time.


Parents who have given their children Aminalon generally have positive things to say about the medication. Mothers report that Aminalon is generally well tolerated and that side effects like headaches or insomnia are extremely uncommon when taking the medication.

The majority of young patients find that taking aminolone improves their attentiveness, memory, and speech development. Many mothers report that this medication improves their baby’s ability to speak. They also mention how well the medication works to treat motion sickness. Even in cases of extreme weakness and vomiting, aminolone is helpful.

Additionally, there are unfavorable reviews of Aminolone in which parents lament the drug’s inconvenient release method, excessive treatment duration, and failure to notice any effects (particularly in cases of traumatic brain injuries).

Topic Description
Aminolone for Children Aminolone is often used to support children’s health by boosting their immune system and improving their overall well-being. It can help in various conditions but should be used according to medical advice.
Instructions for Use Always follow the dosage instructions provided by a healthcare professional. Usually, it is given in a specific amount based on the child"s age and weight. Do not exceed the recommended dose.
Common Uses Aminolone is commonly used to help with fatigue, improve immune function, and assist in recovery from illnesses.
Reviews Parents often report positive outcomes such as improved energy levels and fewer sick days. However, as with any supplement, results can vary and it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider.

For kids who require cognitive support, aminolone may be a good choice, but it’s crucial to adhere to your doctor’s dosage recommendations. Prior to beginning treatment, the advantages and possible side effects of any medication should be carefully considered.

Positive experiences have been shared by parents, who have observed gains in their kids’ learning, focus, and memory. But outcomes can differ, so it’s important to keep an eye on your child’s reaction and see your doctor if you have any concerns.

In the end, children with specific conditions may benefit greatly from aminolone, but in order to ensure safe and efficient use, it should always be used under medical supervision.

Children who take aminolone supplements may benefit from it in terms of their general health. This post will go over how to take aminolone safely, including how much to take and any potential negative effects. Furthermore, we’ll provide you with a balanced assessment of Aminolone’s effectiveness as well as any concerns by sharing perspectives from other parents about their experiences with it.

Video on the topic

AMINALONE 💊 Reviews of neurologists and psychotherapists.💬


Aminolone tablets – indications (video instructions) description, reviews – Gamma-aminobutyric acid

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Svetlana Kozlova

Family consultant and family relationship specialist. I help parents build trusting relationships with their children and each other. I believe that a healthy atmosphere in the home is the key to happiness and harmony, which I share in articles and recommendations.

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