At what age should dates be given to children?

Dates are a well-liked dried fruit that are beneficial to health and have a sweet flavor. When is it okay to introduce certain foods to our children? is a question that many parents have. Dates can be a nutritious addition to a child’s diet if given at the appropriate age because they are high in fiber, natural sugars, and important nutrients.

But just like with any food, it’s crucial to know when and how to give your child a date. It is important to take into account variables like age, digestive development, and potential choking hazards.

This post will discuss the ideal age to introduce dates to kids, their health advantages, and safe mealtime preparation techniques.

Age Recommendation
6-12 months Introduce dates in small, pureed amounts, checking for any allergic reactions.
1-2 years Offer soft, chopped dates as a snack or mixed with other foods, but in moderation due to their sweetness.
2-3 years Children can eat whole dates as long as they are pitted and cut into small pieces to avoid choking.
3+ years Dates can be included more regularly in the diet, ensuring they"re part of a balanced meal.


  • They contain a lot of fructose and dextrose. When these simple sugars enter a child"s body, they become a source of energy and strength for the child.
  • They also act as a source of many nutrients involved in the development of the child"s body and maintaining health. Among them are folic acid, vitamins B1, B6, B3, K, beta-carotene, zinc, lutein and many other compounds.
  • Due to the fairly high content of magnesium and calcium, eating dates has a positive effect on the formation and maintenance of bone health.
  • Presence in the composition of vitamin A makes this type of dried fruit useful for children"s vision.
  • Like dried apricots, dates are a source of potassium salts, therefore they affect the growth processes and development of the child"s brain, and are also good for the heart.
  • Since they contain iron, such a product will prevent anemia.
  • It has been proven that they have a beneficial effect on the child"s intestines. They help to get rid of parasites and stimulate the growth of normal bacterial flora, preventing the development of dysbacteriosis.

  • Including them in the menu of a child with peptic ulcer or acid reflux helps to get rid of such pathologies.
  • Due to the high content of dietary fiber, they can help with constipation. Their use improves intestinal peristalsis and increases water absorption.
  • Date puree is used for dysentery, as a means of preventing the spread of the pathogen in the intestine.
  • Chewing them massages the gums and stimulates teething.
  • Their use after ARVI helps to strengthen the body and quickly restore strength. During a viral infection, you can give milk with dates for coughs.
  • Quite high nutritional value allows you to include such a product in the diet of children who eat too much and are underweight.

For additional helpful dates properties, watch the video.

For kids, dates can be a nutritious snack, but it’s crucial to introduce them at the appropriate age to prevent choking hazards and stomach problems. Dates are generally safe to give to children between the ages of 18 and 24 months, once they can chew them properly. But because dates contain a lot of sugar, always make sure they are pitted, cut into small pieces, and given in moderation.


  • Dates sold in stores are often treated with various harmful compounds, that prevent them from spoiling. Because of them, a child may develop an allergy.
  • Since their structure is quite sticky, such sweetness remains on the teeth for a long time, which provokes the development of caries. For this reason, dates should be washed down with water, and after eating them, it is advisable to brush your teeth.
  • Unripe fruits contain a lot of tannins, capable of causing intestinal upset in a child.
  • Their consumption in excessive quantities may contribute to excess weight gain.
  • Due to the high content of simple sugars they should be excluded from the menu for diabetes.
  • The use of such dried fruits is not recommended for chronic pathologies of the digestive tract.

From what age can they be given to children?

It is best to introduce dates into a child’s diet when the infant has started to sample both semi-solid and solid foods. One to one and a half years old is the ideal age range to become familiar with these dried fruits. For a child under one year old, they should be given as puree or compote. If the infant is prone to allergies, it is best to wait until the child is two years old or beyond before introducing any dried fruits to his diet.

Date pieces can be added to yogurt or porridge for kids older than two to three years old. You can offer baked goods, like muffins or pies, to a three-year-old child along with them. A child’s daily serving size should be two to five fruits.

How to choose for a child?

During the first few years of life, children should only eat soft dates. It is not advisable to purchase a product that is overly dehydrated as it will be challenging to puree and difficult for a child to eat whole. A high-quality product should have a matte surface.

For a child, it is best to purchase dates without seeds. If you purchased a product that included pits, you should definitely remove the seeds before giving them to kids. If the child swallowed the pit and this was not done, you will need to keep an eye on his condition and see a doctor if any concerning symptoms emerge.

When given to a child at the appropriate age, dates can make a wholesome and nutritious addition to their diet. In order to prevent choking hazards and to make sure your child’s digestive system is prepared for this sweet fruit, most experts advise waiting until your child is at least one year old before giving them dates.

When introducing dates, it’s critical to present them in a form that is safe and convenient to consume. To make them easier for your child to handle and enjoy, try chopping them into small pieces or blending them into smoothies.

Start your child off with small portions of any new food and keep an eye out for any possible allergic reactions or digestive problems. Dates are full of nutrients, but the key to avoiding consuming too much sugar is to eat them in moderation.

Video on the topic

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BENEFIT OF DATES from a medical point of view – Doctor Zakir Naik

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Svetlana Kozlova

Family consultant and family relationship specialist. I help parents build trusting relationships with their children and each other. I believe that a healthy atmosphere in the home is the key to happiness and harmony, which I share in articles and recommendations.

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