Can a child be bathed with chickenpox?

It can be difficult for parents to know what to do about bath time when their child has chickenpox. You might be reluctant to submerge your child in water due to the red, itchy blisters, worrying that it will aggravate their condition or spread the infection. A lot of parents are unsure if taking a bath at this time is safe.

As it keeps the skin clean and relieves itching, bathing a child with chickenpox actually helps lower the risk of secondary infections. To make sure your child is safe and comfortable in the bath, there are a few crucial considerations to make.

You can assist your child in finding relief without aggravating their sensitive skin by adhering to specific guidelines. Let’s discuss when and how to safely bathe a child who has chickenpox.

It is indeed possible to bathe a child who has chickenpox; in fact, a mild bath helps relieve itching and maintain clean skin, both of which are critical for avoiding infections. But it’s important to wash your skin with lukewarm water instead of harsh soaps or scrubs. To prevent irritating the chickenpox sores, gently pat dry the skin after taking a shower.

What is chickenpox

The most prevalent infection, chickenpox primarily affects children between the ages of two and seven.

If the mother has never had chickenpox before and the child is not immune to the illness, the illness can also strike infants. Adults and teenagers can contract chickenpox as well, and the illness frequently progresses severely in these situations.

Skin lesions, malaise, and a high fever are some of the disease’s symptoms. A child with this disease experiences extra discomfort when they have a rash. It is symbolized by extremely itchy blisters. It is also not acceptable to scratch the rash as this may spread harmful bacteria into the injured area of your skin and leave permanent scars that you may never fully heal.

For the rest of their lives, children who have had chickenpox are immune to the infection. Typically, the illness is managed symptomatically. When a patient has a high fever, ibuprofen or paracetamol are administered, and itching-reducing agents are applied topically to the skin. Antiviral medications, such as Acyclovir tablets, are prescribed if the chickenpox is moderately or severely progressing.

Can a child with chickenpox be bathed

Baths and other hygienic measures were once considered inappropriate for children who had chickenpox. The rash needed to be dried, and following the bath, the crusts, on the other hand, became wet and softened, according to the doctors’ explanation of "why it is impossible."

Now, most pediatricians do not advise against giving children who have chickenpox a bath.

On the contrary, they think that this kind of hygienic measure stops further skin infections. Additionally, regular bathing will reduce skin itching, making it possible to stop treating the condition with antihistamines.

In this instance, children who have chickenpox should be properly bathed using the following advice:

  • The temperature should be comfortable. The water should never be too hot. The optimal temperature is considered to be no higher than +37+38°C.
  • It is best to use just clean water to wash a child with chickenpox. It is not recommended to apply any detergents (foams, gels, soaps, shampoos) to the skin covered with rashes. If a mother is interested in when she can wash her child with soap, then the answer from doctors will be “as soon as all the rashes heal”.
  • You can add a herbal decoction (for example, chamomile or oak bark) or a little potassium permanganate to the water.
  • You cannot rub the skin with a washcloth, and if you wash the child in the shower, the pressure should be weak.
  • The procedure should not be long. It is quite enough to keep the child in the bath for one to five minutes, and wash in the shower for only 1-3 minutes.
  • You should not rub your child"s skin with a towel after bathing. It is best to wrap the baby"s body in a sheet or a large diaper after removing the baby from the bath so that all the water is absorbed. In this case, the diaper or sheet should be sent to the wash after soaking the baby"s skin.
  • Immediately after bathing, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic drug, for example, Calamine lotion, brilliant green solution or Tsindol.

On what day can you wash

Generally speaking, a child’s temperature spikes during the early stages of chickenpox and their overall health deteriorates. For this reason, children are wiped with wet wipes during the acute phase rather than bathed. When the baby’s condition improves and the initial rashes start to crust over, two to four days after the disease onset, a full bath is advised.

How many times can you bathe

Bathing can be done as often as four to six times a day to help soothe a child’s chickenpox rash, prevent infection, and lessen itching.

Dr. Komarovsky"s opinion

The well-liked physician concurs with foreign pediatricians who maintain that a child with chickenpox can be cleaned up. According to Komarovsky, a chickenpox bath can help clear the child’s skin of debris and soothe itching. In addition, he alerts parents to the fact that scratching causes overheating and that the bath water should be cool. It follows that the child who has chickenpox shouldn’t be in an overly hot or dry room.

Can I go to the bathhouse

It is not advisable to give a child who has chickenpox a bath in a bathhouse for a number of reasons. First of all, the infant should not come into contact with other people while he is in the acute phase of the illness plus five days after the last bubbles appeared. It is not appropriate to bring a child who has chickenpox to the bathhouse because it is a public area. Second, even though the ill child and his parents are the only ones in the bath, such a hygienic measure will be improper because high temperatures and vigorous sweating exacerbate the skin itching associated with chickenpox.

Question Answer
Can a child be bathed with chickenpox? Yes, but with care. Bathing can help soothe itching and prevent infections if done properly.
How should the bath be done? Use cool or lukewarm water and avoid harsh soaps. A gentle rinse without scrubbing is best.
How long should the bath last? Keep the bath short, around 5-10 minutes, to avoid irritating the skin.
What should be avoided? Avoid hot water, bubble baths, and rubbing the skin to prevent aggravating the rash.
Is there anything to add to the water? Adding baking soda or oatmeal to the water can help calm the itching.

As long as certain safety measures are followed, bathing a child who has chickenpox is generally safe. Baths that are mild can help relieve skin irritation and maintain skin cleanliness, both of which lower the risk of infection. To prevent irritation, it’s crucial to use mild, fragrance-free soap and refrain from scrubbing the skin.

For additional itching relief, try adding oatmeal or baking soda to warm water baths. To prevent popping the blisters, gently pat dry the skin with a gentle towel after taking a bath.

Ultimately, even though taking a bath can help ease the discomfort of chickenpox, it’s wise to speak with your child’s physician for specific guidance. Each case is unique, and your physician can assist you in selecting the best course of action for your child.

Video on the topic

Can a child be bathed with chickenpox?

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What water can a child be bathed in with chickenpox? – Doctor Komarovsky

How to treat chickenpox in children? – Doctor Komarovsky

CHICKENPOX (CHICKENPOX) // symptoms, incubation period, treatment and prevention of the disease

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Svetlana Kozlova

Family consultant and family relationship specialist. I help parents build trusting relationships with their children and each other. I believe that a healthy atmosphere in the home is the key to happiness and harmony, which I share in articles and recommendations.

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