Car seats for infants: what types there are and how to transport babies with their help?

Any parent’s first concern is ensuring their child is transported safely, and one of the most crucial pieces of equipment for this is a car seat made especially for young children. By keeping your child safe and lowering their chance of injury in the event of an accident or abrupt stop, car seats protect your child on travels. Choosing the best seat for your infant can be confusing, though, because there are so many different kinds available.

Different types of infant car seats are available, each appropriate for a different stage of your child’s development. Reclining seats and convertible options are two examples of features that you should know how to use and when to use them. You can guarantee your baby’s safety and comfort on every trip by selecting the appropriate car seat and using it properly.

This post will walk you through the various kinds of baby car seats and provide advice on how to carry your child in safety. We will assist you in selecting the best option for your child’s comfort and safety when driving, regardless of whether you are a first-time parent or just looking to upgrade.

Type of Car Seat Description and Tips for Safe Use
Infant Car Seat Designed for newborns and babies up to 1 year. Always install rear-facing for maximum protection.
Convertible Car Seat Can be used from birth, first as rear-facing, then turned forward when the baby is older and heavier.
All-in-One Car Seat Grows with your child, from rear-facing to forward-facing and later as a booster. Make sure to follow weight guidelines.
Booster Seat For older children when they"ve outgrown their car seat. Raises them so the seatbelt fits properly.

Reasons for use

From birth, a young child requires the love and care of their parents. There’s a chance you’ll have to brake and make abrupt turns when driving. Due to the baby’s immature musculoskeletal system, such movements may have negative effects. The newborn’s head and neck muscles, which are relatively heavy in relation to their whole body, may be particularly severely impacted. A car seat is a special kind of design that is required for babies to travel in the car safely. As the infant needs to be driven from the maternity hospital in compliance with all traffic regulations, you should make sure to buy this equipment ahead of time.

Those who choose to put their child’s safety last frequently come to regret it. Furthermore, traffic police officers have the authority to impose substantial fines on drivers for failing to provide a child with a specially designated area.


Car seats and car seats are the two general categories into which accessories for baby transportation in cars can be separated. Let’s take a closer look at each variety. What sets a children’s car seat apart from its equivalent is that its design permits the child to be transported in a laying position. It is situated on seats perpendicular to the direction the car is traveling. Belts are used to assist in the fixation process. Special fasteners within such a cradle enable you to securely fasten the infant in the structure, preventing rolling in the cradle.

  • When the baby is in his natural lying position, this is the safest for him in the postpartum period. In a position perpendicular to the movement of the car, the jolts in the cradle are minimal.
  • Lying in the cradle, the child inhales deeply, his lungs are maximally expanded, unlike in a semi-sitting position.
  • Sleep in a lying position on the road will be as deep as possible, rocking in the car seat will be as natural as possible.
  • Such a design is best suited for a long trip (over half an hour).

The following are not in favor of using a car seat:

  • the service life of such a baby accessory is extremely short: on average six months;
  • If you use a cradle from a multifunctional stroller, then safety on the road is slightly reduced (the characteristics of such structures are inferior to specialized representatives);
  • the car seat takes up almost all the free space in the back seats.

Additionally, infant car seats are available for purchase. The child is facing the car in these pictures. The device is secured with the car’s standard belts, and the baby is safely restrained with specially designed belts.

Car seats offer benefits as well.

  • They are considered safer compared to car seats.
  • Small-sized and practical. The kit usually includes voluminous inserts that allow you to use the car seat from birth to several years.
  • There are models that are installed on the base of the stroller. Mom will always be able to stay on wheels and lead an active lifestyle with maximum comfort.

One of these devices’ drawbacks is that it places a minor burden on the infant’s back. It is negligible in the range of 30 to 45 degrees, but every hour the car must stop and the child in a car seat must be removed for fifteen minutes.

It is advised to speak with a physician prior to use.

Mounting options

As was previously mentioned, regular seat belts are used to fasten the car seat to the back seats. The methods for fastening car seats are far more varied. Understanding the regulations surrounding the installation of these devices is crucial, as it affects both your children’s safety and convenience.

There are numerous ways to fasten car seats:

  • seat belts;
  • Isofix;
  • Latch and SuperLatch.

Nearly all devices are fixed using basic seat belts. The only distinctions are as follows: The child is buckled up in the car seat belt, and Group 0 seats are secured with belts. The child, not the structure, is fixed by the car belt in groups larger than 0. Group 0 is frequently observed with a set of triple strollers, in which the seat can be mounted on the chassis.

It is highly advised to closely read the instructions before putting the car seat in the vehicle. By doing this, errors in repairing the device will be reduced.

Note this, please:

  • fastening with belts should be strong, the seat should not move from side to side;
  • before buying this or that device for transporting a child, you need to make sure that it fits in the car, since some of them, due to their dimensions, may not fit a certain car or the belt length is not enough;
  • the belts should not squeeze the baby, but at the same time they cannot be too loose;
  • when buying a car seat, it is better to immediately purchase brackets for fixing the belt directly when the vehicle is moving;
  • the belt should not pass through the child"s neck;
  • if the car seat has a base, it should stand securely on the car seat.


This kind of fastening is highly practical because mistakes cannot be made during installation. Using brackets at the device’s base and integrated into the back seats, this style of fastening secures the chair to the user’s body directly.

The Isofix device, which consists of two brackets on a metal frame on either side of the retaining device, is situated at the base of the seat. The seat can be fixed using two or three points. An anchor belt at the top of the seat or a telescopic stop on the floor can be used to symbolize the third point. Certain models come equipped with an electronic notification system to ensure proper installation procedures are followed. Not every car seat model has Isofix. In these situations, you can buy an adapter-equipped seat installation platform.

Read the important information before buying a car seat with this type of fastening system.

  • When buying a car seat with Isofix fastenings, check that your car complies with this system. Find the brackets in the gap of the seat: they must be located in the gap.
  • The fastenings in question are not suitable for transporting babies in the front. Fortunately, many car seats are universal and can, in addition to Isofix, be fastened using standard seat belts.
  • The Isofix system is not recommended for passengers under one year of age, as it transmits unwanted vibration through its brackets.
  • Metal chassis can scratch the seat material. To avoid such troubles, it is better to purchase a protective mat.

Benefits of car seats with Isofix attachments:

  • fastening is carried out very quickly;
  • the seat cannot shift to one side or another;
  • approved by crash tests.

These kid-friendly gadgets also have drawbacks:

  • high price and greater weight compared to conventional models;
  • not suitable for many cars;
  • transmits vibration to the child through metal parts;
  • not suitable for children whose weight exceeds 18 kg;
  • is installed only on the back seat.


The equivalent of Isofix in America is this mount. This is an example of the perfect baby carrier for the USA: it doesn’t require bulky metal frameworks. Belts and staples bearing the same name as the latch are used for fixation. On the back seats are the brackets.

The foreign fastening models mentioned are compatible, meaning that if an automobile is equipped with one type of fastening, installing the other type should not pose any issues.

An automated belt length regulator strengthens SuperLatch.

Because there are no heavy metal components, the latch fastening is lightweight, easy to install, and does not vibrate. A child up to 30 kg can be accommodated in a seat with this type of fastening. Other drawbacks include the fact that these models are hard to come by, expensive, non-universal, and not mounted on the front seat.

Selection criteria

The child’s weight group must be determined before selecting a particular car seat. Baby carriers are available for weights ranging from 0+ to a specific number of kg. In certain instances, the baby’s height is also considered.

When the baby is not sitting, car seats can be used from birth to six months of age. The age range for car seats is broader. To prevent health issues for your child, it is advisable to purchase a car seat at least six months in advance if you intend to take frequent, lengthy trips with your newborn.

Car seat accessories play a crucial role. Make an effort to select models that have a sun protection visor. Protection from bright light is always useful, regardless of whether the device is shining into your car or you take it for a walk with it on a wheeled base. Devices with a unique handle designed for carrying a child are available. In cases where frequent exits from the vehicle are required, a handle on the car seat is an absolute must.

Selecting a model with specific quality certifications is crucial. Investing in a baby carrier like this will enable you to guarantee the safest possible journey.

Next, you must decide what kind of fastening your car can accommodate. All car types can be mounted using standard belts, but latch and isofix are less common. You must verify that the fastening is straightforward. Travel will be challenging with products that have too complex a device, as family members may have installation issues.

It is advised to consider the results of crash tests carried out in various nations when selecting a brand of children’s electronics. Seeking for auto-lumps that adhere to European quality standards is advised. The device bearing the ECE 44 or ECE 129 symbols has been certified as having passed all required testing.

It is best to focus on the models that can be mounted on the chassis when selecting baby transportation equipment. Moving outside the car will therefore be more convenient. They resemble strollers that are in use.

When purchasing a holding device, it’s important to carefully inspect the mounts—they should be sturdy, pose no risk to the child, and have roomy, comfortable straps. It should not be uncomfortable for kids to nod off on a trip. The baby’s head needs to be further shielded from impacts.

When purchasing a car seat, keep in mind that all infants under one year old should be transported against the direction of the vehicle. Not all models, whose age group spans multiple years, can be installed with their faces facing the opposite direction of travel.

You should make an effort to place electronics you purchase for older children who have turned one year old there. To avoid misbehaving and distracting adults who are driving, the baby should enjoy his seat. Verifying the device’s capacity in the car is also a good idea.

It is preferable if the kids’ vehicle and its interior design blend together. Thankfully, child restraints are available in a wide range of colors and patterns these days.

Being able to take the covers off for cleaning would not be unnecessary. Although this feature is present in almost all car seats, it would be appropriate to make this information clear in the store.

The car seat has to be adjusted to an older age group if the baby’s head protrudes above the rear.

Purchasing used baby car seats is not advised because they may have slight deformities from accidents. This might result in a tragedy and deteriorate the protective qualities.

For the purpose of keeping babies safe when driving, car seats are a necessity. There are several varieties of car seats that are made to safeguard infants and young children, including convertible, rear-facing, and all-in-one models. The baby’s age, weight, and height all play a role in which seat to choose. To guarantee the baby’s safety on every trip, it’s crucial to adhere to installation instructions and make sure they’re properly strapped in.

Rating of the best models

Using car seats is preferable for newborns since they are the most physiological. When purchasing a baby seat for a baby carrier, consider your personal preferences, user feedback, and the product’s online rating. Now let’s look at the top models that are at the top of the popularity charts.

  • ROMERBaby-SafeSLEEPER baby seat. Can be used from birth to 13 kg. It is very roomy inside, but quite heavy (7 kg). Using an adapter, you can install this model on the chassis of strollers of the same brand. The device is fixed with regular car belts. Inside the cradle, the child is secured with three-point belts. Made of highly durable and soft materials. There is a special arc on the side, which will serve as a shock absorber and soften the side impact. The backrest can be raised and used for an older child. Included are inserts that soften the ride and are also easy to wash.

  • Maxi-Cosi CabrioFix baby car seat. Used for children up to one year old and weighing no more than 13 kilograms. Places in the car facing away from traffic on both the front and back seats. Can be secured with both regular seat belts and EasyFix with EasyBase belts. This model is lightweight, the child will feel free in it. The advantages also include large sides and a handle from a side impact.

  • Maxi-Cosi Pebble. A variant of the previous baby car seat. Additionally, this version provides for mounting on FamilyFix for cars that have the ability to mount Isofix. Designed according to European quality standards.

  • WOW – a cradle for infants, made in the USA. Can be used up to 9 months. Lightweight and compact, installed on wheels. Fixed in the car using adapters.

  • BEBE Confort Creatis Fix. Convenient design allows the child to be in it in 2 positions: lying and reclining. The design has a sun visor and a carrying handle. A very durable car seat made of hypoallergenic materials is made in a universal red color. Fastened to the platform.

  • Cybex Aton. This comfortable and durable car seat is very popular and has passed many crash tests. The thick and soft sides of such a device will protect your baby from impacts. The visor of such a car seat can be fixed in 4 positions. It can also be based on the chassis of strollers of the same company.

  • Recaro Young Profi Plus. A very thick frame of such a device makes it as safe as possible for the baby to be inside. The upholstery material is made of natural and non-toxic materials that will not harm the baby in any way.

  • Mima Izi Go Car Seat. An amazing feature of this cradle is the body material: it is leather. It is so convenient for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene with a small child. The fastening in such a device is double: it is suitable for regular standard belts and for Isofix. The advantages are the presence of a carrying handle and a comfortable soft adjustable headrest.

  • Aprica CURURILA Isofix. The name of such a cradle speaks for itself. Isofix fastenings are one of the most reliable in modern devices for transporting children. This car seat can rotate around its axis without removing it from the base, which is undoubtedly very convenient. The tilt of such a cradle has 7 different levels. In it, you can put the baby to sleep, feed him or simply open an additional viewing angle for him. The plastic from which the car seat body is made does not form debris upon impact. The kit includes an anatomically shaped mattress.

Instructions for transporting a child

It’s important to keep in mind that the baby’s safety when riding in a child restraint device is dependent upon how well it’s chosen. The baby’s age group must be considered first because using a car seat that is too big for you could endanger the child’s health in the event of an accident or due to physiological compatibility issues.

In a child car seat or car seat, it is not permitted to leave the infant unattended in the vehicle.

There is an order that needs to be followed when installing a car seat.

  • Attach the car seat perpendicular to the direction of travel of the car with standard belts, following the instructions. Usually the places where the belts should be threaded are painted blue.
  • Correctly place the child in the car seat and fasten it with the internal belts of the device.
  • Check if the belts are crushed to the baby, and if necessary, use soft lining for fastening.
  • Tighten the belts so that under the belts there is a space of 2 fingers thick.
  • Check the comfort of the temperature in the car’s cabin and, if necessary, insulate the child. To transport the baby, it must be dressed in dense clothes to avoid rubbing with belts. It is better to warm a child with a blanket than to wear a jacket or overalls, since volumetric clothing will not allow you to reliably fix the baby.

Selecting the appropriate car seat for your baby is essential for their security and comfort when traveling. Car seats for newborns and early babies come in a variety of styles, such as all-in-one models, convertible car seats, and rear-facing infant seats. Every variety provides distinct attributes appropriate for varying phases of your child’s growth.

For your baby’s safety, the car seat must be installed correctly and positioned correctly. Prior to every trip, make sure the seat is securely fastened by adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions. Infants should be placed in rear-facing seats because they provide superior crash protection.

Your baby will travel in greater safety and comfort if you choose the appropriate car seat and use it correctly. Ensuring a secure setup for every trip can be achieved by periodically checking the seat’s fit and making necessary adjustments as your child grows.

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Olga Sokolova

Experienced pediatrician and consultant on children's health. Interested in modern approaches to strengthening the immune system, proper nutrition and child care. I write to make life easier for moms and dads by giving proven medical advice.

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