Dr. Komarovsky on the antiviral drug “Anaferon”

Well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky frequently discusses his opinions regarding different child medical treatments. One such medication that is commonly used is the antiviral "Anaferon." Parents are frequently interested in learning about its efficacy, particularly with regard to safeguarding their kids during the flu and cold seasons.

We’ll look at Dr. Komarovsky’s thoughts on "Anaferon" in this article and discuss whether you should think about getting your child one. His knowledge can assist parents in making health-related decisions for their children.

Aspect Dr. Komarovsky"s View
Efficacy Dr. Komarovsky believes there is no reliable scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of Anaferon.
Usage He suggests that parents should not rely on Anaferon for treating viral infections in children.
Recommendation He advises focusing on proven preventive measures like proper hygiene and vaccination instead of using Anaferon.
Safety While generally safe, he argues that Anaferon is unnecessary and offers no real benefit.


Ukrainian-born Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is a top-tier pediatrician. Following a number of publications and adult books about children’s health, it became extremely well-known. He possesses a unique skill among doctors: he can translate complicated concepts into plain English for parents who are not medical professionals. Media representatives took notice of this; today, Komarovsky is a well-known TV host, the creator of the show "School of Doctor Komarovsky," and the writer of the health section of "Russian Radio." resides in the Ukraine. Millions of parents in Russia and the CIS nations, as well as those outside, adore the doctor.

In his critical evaluation of the antiviral medication "Anaferon," Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that the drug’s advantages have not been adequately demonstrated by scientific studies. He recommends that parents advocate for evidence-based treatments and advises them to exercise caution when using such medications.

About the drug

A homeopathic treatment is called "Anaferon." It presents the active ingredient doses in solutions in negligible amounts.

According to the usage instructions, "Anaferon" has very few side effects and contraindications, similar to other homeopathic remedies.

An army of mothers and fathers who wish to shield their children from the horrible and dangerous flu cannot help but be pleased by this fact.

Pharmacies sell "Anaferon" and "Anaferon for children" chewable or resorption tablets. Because the concentration of the main active ingredient in both adult and pediatric dosages is exactly the same (3 mg), you don’t need to be a brilliant detective with an amazing deduction skill to figure out that the division into adult and pediatric dosages is just a marketing gimmick. The packaging bears this writing.

"Anaferon" has both an immunostimulating and an immunomodulatory effect against viruses, according to the instructions. Furthermore, it is highlighted that the medication strengthens the immune response at the cellular level; however, as is the case with instructions for official pharmacy drugs, no indication is given as to the mechanism of this effect.

The medication should be taken as soon as possible, according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. This includes taking one tablet every half hour for the first two hours, then three more doses at equal intervals, and finally, one tablet three times a day until recovery. This schedule applies to both acute respiratory viral infections and the flu.

It is advised to take one tablet of "Anaferon" every day for 1-6 months, twice a year, as a preventative measure during times when the incidence of acute respiratory infections is highest.


It should be mentioned that a major issue exists with all antiviral medications with established clinical efficacy. Moreover, homeopathic medicines contain twice as much. If the information on the "Anaferon" manufacturer’s website is to be believed, the medication underwent clinical testing even though homeopathic remedies are typically not tested in lab settings due to the small amounts of active ingredients they contain, making such a study practically impossible.

Data regarding the administration of "Anaferon" to a pediatric patient group by St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk physicians is available. However, in both cases, the precise age limits of the experiment and the number of subjects are not stated. As a result, the test reports lack precise statistical data and instead resemble essays on the subject of "How Anaferon reduced the incidence of disease," which scientists and basic physicians cannot find credible.

Komarovsky about "Anaferon"

Yevgeny Komarovsky approaches "Anaferon" with a certain irony, highlighting that the drug’s demand is driven more by consumer demand than by its efficacy. According to Yevgeny Olegovich, this homeopathic remedy is completely ineffective. This is not a blanket denial; rather, it is a statement of facts. Komarovsky is certain that the reason pediatricians prescribe "Anaferon" so frequently is because they are fully aware of its complete harmlessness and lack of use.

Because there is, as they say, "no harm and no benefit," the doctor is at ease, and the parents are at ease as well because their child is getting "treatment." There is a "placebo" effect. The good result is credited to the sweet-tasting "Anaferon" tablets, and the child’s immunity manages viruses on its own as a result.

However, in this case, Dr. Komarovsky’s issue is actually where a pediatrician will tell us everything there is to know about children’s antivirals.

According to the testimonials of mothers whose children responded well to Anaferon, the viral infection cleared up in four to five days. According to Komarovsky, this is precisely the amount of time required for the child’s immune system to deal with an external pathogenic invasion. The disease will progress if the baby’s immune system is compromised, and parents have reported on the Internet that anaferon was ineffective in these situations. Stated differently, the outcome would have been the same had the parents chosen not to give the child any medication at all.

In general, Komarovsky objects to the drug’s preventive use because no medication, not even homeopathy, can be taken for six months.

The renowned physician emphasizes that each tablet has a significant amount of sugar, but the active ingredient is present in very small amounts, enough to at least partially cure. The makers of "Anaferon" appear to be attempting to medicate the child with sweets. And this is the height of ridiculousness.

We invite all parents to view Dr. Komarovsky’s release regarding self-medication.

Dr. Komarovsky’s viewpoint on "Anaferon" demonstrates a circumspect attitude toward antiviral medications. He stresses how crucial it is to realize that not all drugs sold as antivirals actually have a noticeable, proven impact on viruses.

It is important for parents to prioritize evidence-based treatments and make sure they are not depending exclusively on medications like "Anaferon" to shield their kids from viral infections. Rather, Dr. Komarovsky advises giving priority to preventive measures, which are more effective in bolstering a child’s immune system. Examples of these include appropriate nutrition, hygiene, and timely vaccinations.

In the end, decisions about children’s welfare must be made with knowledge based on scientific data. Selecting the best care for their families can be made easier for parents if they are aware of the drawbacks and efficacy of products like "Anaferon."

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Maria Smirnova

Teacher with 15 years of experience, author of educational programs for preschoolers. Goal - to share effective methods for developing children's intelligence and creativity. It is important to help parents better understand how to teach children through play and exciting tasks.

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