Eviplan ovulation test: instructions for use

The journey of trying to conceive can be both exciting and difficult at times. The Eviplan ovulation test is one resource that can assist you in the process. By identifying the hormonal shifts that take place prior to ovulation, these tests are intended to determine when you are most fertile.

We’ll explain how to use the Eviplan ovulation test correctly in this article. Regardless of your experience level with ovulation tests, we’ll give you concise, detailed instructions to ensure you get accurate results and comprehend their meaning.

Using an ovulation test such as Eviplan can become a simple part of your routine with the correct guidance. Let’s examine these tests’ operation and how to best utilize them for family planning.

Step Instructions
1 Open the Eviplan ovulation test kit and remove the test strip.
2 Hold the test strip by the handle and immerse the absorbent end into your urine sample for the time specified in the instructions.
3 Place the test strip on a clean, flat surface and wait for the recommended amount of time.
4 Read the results as indicated on the test strip. The appearance of two lines means ovulation is likely; one line indicates no ovulation.
5 Follow any additional steps or interpretations as provided in the test kit’s instructions.


  • the strips are convenient to use at home, they do not require special equipment or skills;
  • they can also be taken with you to work or on a trip;
  • the presence of several tests in the box allows you to track changes in the woman"s condition over time;
  • the test is highly sensitive, since it reacts to the level of the hormone exceeding 25 mIU per ml;
  • there is detailed information on the use of the strips inside the package, which any woman can easily understand;
  • the manufacturer Eviplan is known for the quality of its products;
  • the result is obtained very quickly – it can be checked in 5 minutes;
  • the pack additionally includes a test that shows pregnancy at an early stage.

How it works?

The Eviplan test strips are intended to measure the amount of luteinizing hormone, which is conveniently abbreviated as LH. All women’s bodies contain this substance, which is expelled in some amounts through the urine.

About 24 to 48 hours before ovulation, when the egg is released from the ovary, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, is when its concentration increases sharply.

The strips’ reagent is sensitive to LH. Urine containing a high concentration of this hormone reacts chemically with Eviplan, causing two stripes to appear on the white field. One of them needs to stand out and be fairly noticeable; this kind of strip is known as a control; it should be placed closer to the green field. Its absence suggests a flaw in the test. The amount of luteinizing hormone present in the urine is directly correlated with the brightness of the second strip.

Instructions for use

To ensure accurate testing, you must first determine the menstrual cycle’s average duration. The woman just considers the total number of its days if it is regular. If the duration varies from month to month, you should typically use the data from the previous three months and concentrate on the smallest result (you must account for the 25-day cycle, for instance, if there are cycles of 25, 26, and 30 days).

Starting on the day that will roughly precede ovulation, the test is conducted. The cardboard box that comes with the Eviplan package has a hint on it that shows how long the cycle is and the day that the tests should be taken from. Every day, either once or twice a day, depending on accuracy, tests are conducted.

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

In the event of a 28-day cycle, ovulation takes place on the 14th day, 14 days prior to the onset of the menstrual cycle. Since there is often variance from the average value, the computation is imprecise.

In addition to the calendar method, you can check cervical mucus, measure basal temperature, use special tests or mini-microscopes, and test for progesterone, estrogens, LH, and FSH.

With folliculometry (ultrasound), the day of ovulation can be ascertained with absolute certainty.

  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. — Benjamin Cummings, 2011. — p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. — M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. — 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Овуляция

After preparing the urine (that is, gathering it in a clean glass in approximately 50 ml of volume), carry out the subsequent steps:

  • having torn off the edge of the package, carefully remove the strip and, holding it by the green-colored edge, lower it into a container with biological fluid to the level marked with arrows;
  • having waited 5 seconds, remove the test strip and leave it for 5 minutes on a flat, dry surface;
  • having examined the changes that appeared on the test, evaluate the results.

The day of the cycle is indicated on the strip, which must be signed. Data is then gathered over several days, and the rise in hormone levels is evaluated dynamically.

How to decipher the result?

You must compare two strips that will show up on Eviplan with one another in order to determine ovulation. When their brightness is the same or the test strip is more noticeable than the control, the result is considered positive. This suggests that ovulation will happen shortly. It is advised to have sexual contact 24 to 48 hours following a positive test in order to successfully conceive the child.

When compared to the control or when there is only one strip present (the control), a negative strip is regarded as a negative result. This image suggests low levels of LH. Most likely early ovulation, so more testing is necessary. Furthermore, a negative test could mean that the cycle was anovulatory or that ovulation has already happened (such menstrual cycles are normal possible 1-2 times a year).

Possible errors

Eviplan might display a false result if

  • the wrong day of the cycle was chosen;
  • the testing was carried out in violation of the instructions;
  • the woman has a hormonal imbalance;
  • the first morning urine was used;
  • the woman drank a lot of liquid;
  • the strip was damaged;
  • there was stimulation with hormonal drugs;
  • the woman fell ill or was exposed to stress factors.

The Eviplan ovulation test is a quick and easy way for women to find out when they are most fertile because it looks for a spike in luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. Users can find the best time to conceive by following the simple instructions, which include testing every day around the middle of the menstrual cycle. Family planning becomes more predictable and manageable with this simple-to-use kit that can be completed in the comfort of one’s own home and yields clear results.


  • Studies have determined that the formation of LH occurs in the morning, and its concentration in urine increases from 10 am to 8 pm. This is the period considered the most optimal for testing. In this case, it is recommended to do the test every day at the same time, then the results will be more reliable.
  • In order not to affect the level of the hormone in the urine, it is necessary to control the liquid consumed before the test. The manufacturer advises not to drink a lot of water and other drinks in the period from 1 to 4 hours before testing. In addition, 2-3 hours before the manipulation, you should refrain from visiting the toilet.
  • Before checking, it is important to make sure that the test package is intact and the expiration date has not expired. Do not open the package in advance – the test should be removed immediately before use.


For the most part, women talk well of Eviplan strips. About 70% of reviews describe these tests as sensitive, easy to use, and informative. They also think it’s a nice bonus that there’s a test in the pack for early pregnancy detection. The cost of Eviplan is usually high (approximately 500 rubles per pack), there aren’t many strips in each pack, and there isn’t a urine container. Inaccurate results have also been the subject of complaints.

Because it precisely identifies your most fertile days, the Eviplan ovulation test is a useful tool for infertile individuals. You can effectively monitor your ovulation cycle and increase your chances of getting pregnant by adhering to the straightforward instructions provided.

For optimal results, always use the test as instructed. Getting accurate readings requires timing and appropriate use. Speak with a healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns; they can offer more advice and support.

All things considered, the Eviplan ovulation test is a useful and trustworthy method of monitoring ovulation. It can help you become pregnant if you use it carefully and with a little patience.

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Ovulation test eviplane

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Olga Sokolova

Experienced pediatrician and consultant on children's health. Interested in modern approaches to strengthening the immune system, proper nutrition and child care. I write to make life easier for moms and dads by giving proven medical advice.

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