From what age can you give cranberries to children?

Because of their high vitamin and antioxidant content, cranberries are a well-liked option for improving health. But, it’s crucial to know the appropriate time and strategy when introducing them to your child’s diet.

Although cranberries are packed with health benefits, small children may not be fond of their tart flavor. Their acidity can also be detrimental to a developing digestive system. Knowing when to give your child access to cranberries will help you make sure they eat them safely.

The ideal age to introduce cranberries to your child and the safest ways to include them in their meals will be discussed in this article.

Age Can Cranberries Be Given?
6-12 months Yes, but only in small amounts and in puree form.
1-2 years Yes, in small portions, including in juices or mixed with other foods.
2+ years Yes, cranberries can be given in different forms, but watch for allergic reactions.


  • It is a source of many vitamins, including vitamins E, C, group B, K, PP, A.
  • The berries contain a lot of phosphorus, iron, potassium, and calcium.
  • Its use helps to strengthen the child"s body"s defenses, preventing colds.
  • It is useful at high temperatures, as it has diaphoretic and detoxifying properties.
  • The presence of natural phenols in the composition determines its bactericidal effect.
  • It has a diuretic effect, so this berry is recommended for diseases of the urinary tract, including bacterial infections.
  • Due to the large amount of pectins, its use helps to remove radioactive compounds and other toxic substances from the body.
  • Pectins contained in cranberries also have a positive effect on digestion.
  • Morse or jelly from such a berry has the property of quickly quenching thirst.
  • The berry has an astringent effect, so it helps with diarrhea.

If cranberries are not prepared properly, they can become poisonous. To learn more, watch the video.

Watch the "Live Healthy" program to determine when using it is worthwhile.


  • Contraindicated in liver diseases, as well as in peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.
  • Consuming in large quantities can damage tooth enamel.
  • Some children have an allergic reaction.

At what age can you introduce complementary foods?

Like other berries, cranberries are added to a child’s diet only after the infant has become accustomed to cereals and vegetable purees. This frequently occurs in infants who are breastfed beginning at 7.5 months of age, and in formula-fed babies starting at 6 months. Cranberries are introduced at a later age, ideally no earlier than one year, if the infant has a history of allergies.

In what form to give?

Cranberries should only be given to infants who have not yet turned one year old. The berries are either steamed for two to three minutes or dipped in boiling water for a minute. After that, purees of fruit or vegetables are topped with a few rubbed berries. Additionally, fruit drinks, compotes, juices, and jelly for kids are made with it.

The child consumes this berry once or twice a week. The ideal serving size for children aged 1-3 years is 10–20 g of cranberries per day. A child is offered fresh berries starting at age three. Cranberries can be added to drinks, smoothies, or desserts, or they can be eaten by children with sugar.

How to make fruit drink?

You will need approximately 1500 ml of water for 500 g of cranberries. After the berries have been cleaned and their juice extracted, the remaining juice is added to water and heated until it boils. Taste-test the broth, add sugar, return to a boil, then strain. Once it cools, combine it with the juice that was previously squeezed. You must multiply the child’s age in months by 10 ml to get the maximum daily serving of this type of cranberry fruit drink.

How to make jelly?

  1. Take 4 tablespoons of cranberries, rinse and pour boiling water over them, then mash with a spoon.
  2. Separately Boil 2 cups of water, cool a quarter of a cup and stir 2 teaspoons of starch into this water.
  3. Combine the remaining water with mashed cranberries, bring to a boil and strain.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the cranberry broth and pour in the diluted starch.
  5. Put the drink on the fire, stir constantly until thickened.

Although cranberries are rich in nutrients, their acidity makes it best to introduce them to children after they turn 12 months old. Since their digestive system is more developed at this point, handling the tartness and possible allergenic qualities will be simpler. Always start small and keep an eye out for any reactions.

Tips for choosing

Cranberries ripen in the fall, so now is the best time to buy them. Select firm, undamaged berries with vibrant colors. Refuse to purchase berries that are too soft or wrinkly.


Fresh berries should be kept in an open container in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

How to prepare for the winter?

Cranberries can be used to make nutritious dishes and beverages for your infant throughout the winter, such as:

  • Freeze. Cranberries are not washed, but only cleaned of visible debris, and then sent to the freezer.
  • Dry. After several hours of drying in the sun, the berries are placed in a special dryer or in the oven.
  • Mix with sugar 1: 1. So it can be stored in a closed jar in the refrigerator.
  • Keep in the refrigerator, pouring water or syrup over the berries. This method of preparation is only suitable for cranberries that were picked before the first frost.

When given to your child at the appropriate age and in the appropriate way, cranberries can be a beneficial addition to their diet. Cranberries are generally safe to introduce to your child at 8 to 10 months of age, but always be aware of possible allergies and make sure your child is eating them safely.

Start with small amounts and observe any reactions, just like you would with any new food. Cranberries can be gradually added to more meals and snacks if your child is well-behaved when handling them. Whether they are in juice, dried, or fresh form, be sure to stay away from added sugars and stick to natural options.

Keep in mind that each child is unique, so it’s wise to speak with your pediatrician before introducing new foods, particularly berries like cranberries. You can guarantee your child’s safe and healthy consumption of cranberries by taking this action.

Video on the topic


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From what age can children be given cranberries and cranberry juice

From what age can children be given cranberries?

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Svetlana Kozlova

Family consultant and family relationship specialist. I help parents build trusting relationships with their children and each other. I believe that a healthy atmosphere in the home is the key to happiness and harmony, which I share in articles and recommendations.

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