How to make a rattle? Master classes with improvised materials and crochet

For families, creating a rattle can be an enjoyable and imaginative project. Making your own rattle is a great way to use supplies you already have at home, whether you’re looking for an easy craft to do with your kids or a unique baby shower gift. You can create a playful and useful rattle with just a few simple materials.

This post will show you how to make a rattle out of scraps and basic crocheting skills. Simple master classes that walk you through the process are available, so even complete novices can make lovely, customized rattles. These do-it-yourself projects, which range from crochet patterns to recycled household items, are ideal for encouraging creativity and spending quality time with loved ones.

Prepare to dive into the world of crafting with easy-to-use techniques that will give you a satisfying sense of completion and a charming rattle. Come on, let’s start making!


A rattle is a shock-noise device, which is essentially a hollow that contains rattling parts. When shaken, it produces sound. In addition to making noise, the toy helps the baby grow. With it, he trains his eye muscles, develops fine motor skills and tactile perception, and discovers new shapes, colors, and sounds. Both coordination and sensory perception are formed by these elements.

Any shape is possible for the rattle: balls, ovals, rectangles, diamonds, etc. A rounded shape, such as a ball, oval, bead, or cylinder, is better for babies because it prevents injury. The toy draws attention with its vibrant color scheme. Wood, fabric, and plastic are just a few of the materials used in the execution.

  • use natural materials, but be careful, they have allergenic properties;
  • exclude small parts, decorate the rattle with seams, and not beads, sequins or buttons;
  • tightly and firmly connect the elements to avoid the filler falling out and damaging the toy;
  • avoid sharp elements and corners;
  • do not overdo it with colors, psychologists recommend up to three colors in one toy – so it will not tire and harm the eyes.


Rattles come in various varieties:

  • pendant – a long toy with several noisy elements, used for hanging in a cradle, crib, stroller;
  • bracelet – made of fabric, attached with Velcro to the baby"s arm or leg, can be made in the form of a mitten or sock;
  • ring – the most common option for playing with hands, rings can be oval, rectangular, triangular in shape or made in the form of animals, fruits;
  • rustle – fabric with a filler that does not rattle, but rustles softly, well develops motor skills and hearing of babies.

How to make it yourself?

Using whatever is available, you can make a lot of interesting rattles at home by improvising. One benefit of creating your own toys is that they can be updated and replaced frequently, so the baby won’t be bothered by them.

You’ll be inspired and guided step-by-step through the creation of engaging rattles by master class ideas.

  • The simplest variation – a rattle made from a bottle and various fillers: pebbles, cereals of different sizes, beads. The bottle must be tightly closed. The filler for the toy should not exceed the weight that the child can lift. All that remains is to decorate the bottle with permanent paints or self-adhesive paper – and you can play. The bottle can be left transparent, so the baby can see what is happening with the filler and develop vision.

  • You can make a rattle-pendantfrom plastic "eggs" from Kinder Surprises also with filler. Make a hole in the middle and thread a thread. Such a rattle must close tightly, this can be done with tape, electrical tape, glue or simply heating and fastening the elements.

  • For kindergarten, you can make a toy in the form of a twig, where on each branch there will be a "fruit" in the form of a plastic "egg". Kids will be interested not only to play with her, but also to apply in a musical lesson. A variant of a tambourine in the form of a ring is possible. In this case, the containers are tightly tied into a ring, and each cell is filled with different fillers. Another interesting idea is a hammer from a container with filler. There can be several hammers with different fillers.
  • A tin can from under tea will also become a good rattle. Fill it with different cereals, tightly fasten the lid and glue it. Next, we glue bright pictures on the jar or make an animal out of it by gluing thick fabric. Paper is not safe in this case, because the baby pulls everything into his mouth.

  • Another handy material is bottle caps. They need to be pierced in the center and strung on a thread. The caps should freely “move” along the thread and touch each other.
  • An interesting and very simple way to make a “noisemaker” is a comb with teeth. We tie a bright ribbon and a stick to it for playing on teeth. It turns out to be a whole musical instrument.
  • If you have a bunch of keys in your house, then clean them and paint them with safe paint. Attach bright ribbons to them and connect them to a wooden base. The toy pendant is ready. And you can also just tie them together.

With a little imagination and common, inexpensive materials, anyone can make a homemade rattle, which is an enjoyable and satisfying project. With crocheting skills or recycled materials, you can create a personalized, one-of-a-kind toy that is both engaging and safe for your child. In this post, we’ll look at simple master classes that walk you through creating rattles out of items you already own and adding a personalized touch with crochet.

How to sew correctly?

You can easily sew a toy bracelet for a newborn. You’ll need beads, padding polyester, Velcro, and bright, thick fabric for this. The base, a bracelet, is created first. To ensure that the toy does not squeak, measure the circumference of the baby’s hand and add 4 centimeters to the figure. Additionally, leave about 3 centimeters extra for the Velcro. Stitch from the interior out. You can insert a thick piece of fabric tape inside the bracelet to make it more durable. Sew the Velcro onto the border. After that, the rattle itself and its ornamental portion start.

Simple sew a circle, stuff it with padding polyester and beads, and decorate it with an animal-faced sock if you find sewing complicated toys difficult. An option with an animal pattern made up of individual parts, like ears and a muzzle, is appropriate for needlewomen. It might be a cat, a bear, a giraffe, or a bunny. The rattle is ready to be fastened to the arms or legs; all that’s left to do is attach the element to the bracelet.

Don’t wear all of your bracelets if you have a lot of them; it gets old quickly. For a newborn, there should be one bracelet for each game.

This soft personalized rattle-rustler is a great example of the growing popularity of felt letters. Two copies of the felt letter shapes are cut out. We stuff and fill the elements by sewing them from the wrong side, leaving an opening. Turn the product inside out, then stuff it with balls, beads, and candy wrappers to create a rustling effect along with padding polyester. We will use a blind stitch to seal our letter. We proceed in the same manner with the others. The letters can have any size. A rustling bracelet can be created by joining small letters together with thread. Toys and pillows will be replaced with large letters.

You can sew a tambourine with long threads and beads at the ends for older kids. Cut a tree or a jar to sheathe a sturdy base. Join two threads to opposing sides, then embellish the ends with balls that produce various noises, such as beads or peas. As the child plays the tambourine, a new sound will be heard.

An intriguing kind of play material is patchwork. A soccer ball constructed from pieces of cloth is the most basic. Select various hues and textures. Place a cavity with rattling components in the middle, stuff it full of cushioning polyester, and attach the ball.

Children’s socks are frequently used to make sewed rattles. Ultimately, they have a ton of funny pictures these days. It’s still necessary to consider the shape, stitch, and fill. A humorous toy that costs as little as possible is ready.

Making a rattle for your child can be a gratifying and enjoyable project. You can create a delightful toy that will engage and entertain your child with just a few basic materials and a little bit of creativity. The process is simple and enjoyable, regardless of whether you decide to learn how to crochet or utilize objects you already have around the house.

You can make a rattle that is both safe and stimulating for your baby by using items such as empty containers, colorful beads, and beans. Another fantastic method for creating a rattle is by crocheting, which enables you to make something special and personalized. Both approaches offer a great way to give your child’s playtime a handmade touch.

Always remember that having fun and letting your imagination run wild is crucial. More than just a toy, your handmade rattle will be a treasured memento and a reflection of your creativity and affection. Savor the joy it brings to your family and the crafting process itself!

Video on the topic

Knitted toy rattle bear 🧸 crochet (diagram)

We knit the base for the rattle

"Rattle – teether Bunny" / Master class

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Olga Sokolova

Experienced pediatrician and consultant on children's health. Interested in modern approaches to strengthening the immune system, proper nutrition and child care. I write to make life easier for moms and dads by giving proven medical advice.

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