How to make dollhouse furniture with your own hands?

Handcrafting dollhouse furniture is an enjoyable and imaginative pastime that enables you to give your child’s toys a unique touch. Whether you’re building miniature pieces from scratch or reusing materials, it can be a satisfying experience for kids and adults alike.

It takes no skill to make easy-to-make, endearing dollhouse furniture. You can create beds, tables, chairs, and other furniture that are precisely the right size for dolls with a few simple tools and supplies.

This project is a wonderful way to spend quality time with your family in addition to being about crafting. Together, you can foster your child’s imagination and creativity by building the furniture, and you can impart useful skills as well.

Types of materials that are often used

  • plywood sheet scraps;
  • matchboxes:
  • plastic jars and cosmetic boxes;
  • shoe boxes;
  • colored sponges for dishes;
  • viscose napkins;
  • plastic bottles;
  • egg pads;
  • textiles;
  • foil
  • wire and many other different little things, the place of which we often determine in the trash can.

Everything about material selection will be up to your creativity.


The most common and robust materials for doll furniture are wood and plywood. But, making interior items out of them requires a lot of labor, and using them will require certain skills. However, if you continue to create such furniture, your daughter will love it and the dolls will use it for a very long time.

To create tiny furniture out of plywood, you’ll need:

  • sheets of plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • small nails or screws;
  • glue;
  • cardboard sheets;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • attributes that you will use to decorate each type of furniture: fabric, beads, pieces of leather, and much more.

Work phases that are similar for all furniture types are:

  1. Think over or find on the Internet suitable for printing furniture design schemes.
  2. Draw on cardboard or use ready-made printouts of furniture parts, cut them out.
  3. Attach the resulting templates to plywood sheets and trace.
  4. Use a jigsaw to cut out the parts from plywood.
  5. Process all the parts with sandpaper, the surfaces will become smooth.
  6. Assemble the structure. Glue the parts or fasten them with screws.
  7. Cover the finished item with paint or varnish and let it dry.
  8. If necessary, sheathe with textile elements and decorate.

This is one manufactured piece of doll furniture.


Making cardboard dollhouse furniture is a very simple project. Your child can participate in the production process. The most readily available material for work is cardboard. Both cardboard sheets and tiny cardboard boxes work well as bases.

You’ll require:

  • cardboard or cardboard boxes;
  • white sheets of paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue (if necessary);
  • decorative parts.

Phases of the project:

  1. Think over the details of the future piece of furniture and make templates on paper.
  2. Transfer the templates to cardboard.
  3. Cut out the parts.
  4. Make the necessary cuts at the joints of the parts.
  5. Assemble the piece of furniture. Glue where necessary.
  6. Give a finished look by decorating the structure.

You could add some new furniture to the dollhouse’s decor.


Matchboxes can be used to build almost any type of furniture. Drawers on this type of furniture will be a plus. It suffices to demonstrate your creativity and carefully consider the furniture’s future design.

We’ll require:

  • matchboxes, the quantity depends on what piece of furniture you will be making;
  • glue;
  • decorations for future furniture.

Phases of the project:

  1. Prepare the required number of matchboxes.
  2. Glue them together in the sequence that is necessary for the interior detail.
  3. Decorate the resulting piece of furniture. Acrylic paint and varnish are suitable for painting.

The dolls that belong to your daughter will like the new item.

Watch this video to learn how to create your own doll rack out of matchboxes.

Plastic jars

You can use plastic jars to make ideal dollhouse furniture. There are times when you can get by without doing anything at all. When completed, they can be utilized as a bath, for instance. The child will be able to give his dolls a real bath because there won’t be any leaks. Plastic jars, toothpaste tube caps, and other tiny objects can be used to create more intricate interior items. They only need to be adhered to in the correct order.

Watch the next video to see the master class on turning a shampoo container into a dollhouse toilet.


Bendable wire can be used to decorate the interior in a Provence style. Beds with frames that look like they were forged will look very classy. A unique forged chandelier or a candlestick would go well with it. A wire frame can be used for almost any interior detail. You can follow your imagination to the correct place.

Egg tablets

A dollhouse’s rooms can be precisely arranged with the use of egg tablets. Tablets made of cardboard and plastic will both be useful for the task. It will only be necessary to carefully consider the composition and remove the components of the tablets that are required.

The task could need:

  • egg tablets;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • double-sided tape;
  • refills from gel pens

And a lot more. Everything will depend on how creatively you let your imagination go.

Handcrafting dollhouse furniture is an enjoyable and imaginative pastime that allows you to create one-of-a-kind items for your child’s playtime. You can easily make beds, tables, chairs, and more with basic materials like cardboard, wood, and fabric. Without requiring pricey store-bought items, this project fosters creativity, sharpens crafting abilities, and adds a personalized touch to your dollhouse setup.

Furniture Type Materials Needed
Chair Small wooden sticks, glue, paint
Table Cardboard, wooden dowels, scissors, glue
Bed Popsicle sticks, fabric, cotton, glue
Sofa Foam, fabric, glue, small box
Bookshelf Thin cardboard, ruler, scissors, glue

Making dollhouse furniture by hand is a delightful and enjoyable hobby that can make people of all ages happy. It lets you use your imagination to create one-of-a-kind, customized pieces for your dollhouse out of basic materials.

This project fosters creativity and improves needlework abilities in addition. Simple everyday items like cardboard, fabric scraps, and glue can be turned into gorgeous furniture without the need for expensive supplies.

You can make these things to fit the dollhouse precisely and make sure every detail is in line with your desired aesthetic by crafting them yourself. In addition, it’s a wonderful chance to bond with your kids while you collaborate to create something unique.

Video on the topic

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Maria Smirnova

Teacher with 15 years of experience, author of educational programs for preschoolers. Goal - to share effective methods for developing children's intelligence and creativity. It is important to help parents better understand how to teach children through play and exciting tasks.

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