Keratin hair straightening for pregnant women: features of the procedure, limitations and risks

Smooth and shiny hair can be achieved with keratin hair straightening, a popular procedure. Although many women find this procedure beneficial, you may be concerned about its safety if you are pregnant. Your hair may become more frizzy or dry due to hormonal fluctuations, and getting keratin treatment may seem like a simple fix. Nonetheless, before proceeding, there are a few crucial things to think about.

Safety comes first during pregnancy, so it’s critical to understand the chemicals used in the keratin process. While some salons use products that are safe for pregnant women, others might use products that are dangerous for both you and your unborn child. In order to make the best choice for your health, it is essential to comprehend the risks and limitations.

This post will discuss the benefits of keratin hair straightening for pregnant women, along with any possible risks, substitutes, and professional guidance to help you determine if this treatment is appropriate for you at this unique time.

Feature Description
Procedure Keratin treatment smooths hair by sealing it with a protein-based solution, followed by heat application.
Limitations Pregnant women should avoid treatments containing formaldehyde or strong chemicals, as these may pose health risks.
Risks Exposure to fumes and chemicals can affect both the mother and the unborn baby, making it important to consult a doctor before proceeding.
Alternative Opt for more natural hair-smoothing methods or consult a stylist for pregnancy-safe products.

The essence of the process

Keratin hair straightening is a relatively new method of hair care. This is a procedure that is carried out by a qualified specialist in a salon. The essence of it is to saturate the hair with keratin. It is the loss of keratin that usually leads to hair breaking, splitting, and falling out. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, keratin can be lost or produced insufficiently, especially in women who often dyed their hair or had a perm before pregnancy. Keratin, which is part of special mixtures for hair treatment, is extracted from sheep wool. Keratin protein itself is not dangerous for women, but there are some nuances in the process of its use. Keratin straightening is a rather complex and lengthy procedure, even for short hair it takes about 2 hours. The result after 70-90 days needs correction, and with each corrective procedure it becomes more pronounced and longer. During the procedure, the master applies a special composition to the hair and fixes it with a hot iron heated to 230 degrees. At this temperature, the protein substance is tightly fixed to the hair. Compositions vary. Usually the market for such mixtures is represented by Brazilian mixtures and American.

Although they cost a lot more, the latter are thought to be safer and of higher quality.

Although keratin hair straightening is a popular treatment, pregnant women should take certain precautions. Despite the product’s promise of sleek, smooth hair, there are possible risks associated with the chemicals used, which could have an impact on the mother and child. The procedure has limitations, so expectant mothers should be aware of them and speak with their doctor before undergoing it to make sure it’s safe for their particular circumstances. Alternative hair treatments that are less risky should always be taken into account when pregnant.

Can pregnant women do it?

Pregnant women are contraindicated for keratin straightening procedures. This is due to a number of possible negative consequences. First, it should be noted that no one in the world has conducted tests on expectant mothers, and therefore no one can accurately predict the possible consequences for a woman who is “in an interesting position” and her child. It is reliably known that any protein substance is a potential allergen. During pregnancy, a woman’s immune system changes, the body’s natural defenses are mercilessly suppressed by the hormone progesterone in order to preserve the life of the fetus. In this regard, the likelihood of developing one or another type of allergic reaction increases. But the main harm lies in formaldehyde. This substance begins to be released from the mixture when heated. Formaldehyde quickly enters the bloodstream of the expectant mother through the respiratory tract – she inhales it. This poison has a wide toxic effect, causing damage to the central nervous system. Formaldehyde can lead to fetal malformations, placenta, premature birth, miscarriage. Also, when heating hair lubricated with the composition, carcinogens biformyl and glycosal are released. They have a destructive effect on the blood cells of the mother and fetus. In addition, hormonal changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother necessarily affect the hair, and therefore no one can guarantee the result of the procedure. In addition, the procedure, as we remember, is long, and a woman in an "interesting position" is not recommended to sit in one position for a long time – this leads to a violation of blood circulation in the lower extremities and pelvic organs.

The only circumstance in which a pregnant woman can, with considerable difficulty, afford keratin straightening is if a mixture is used that, when heated, does not release formaldehyde. These include some American brands, but it should be noted that their effects are less long-term and their price is many times higher.

Features during breastfeeding

For nursing mothers, the risks and dangers of keratin hair straightening are the same as for pregnant women. But there are some peculiarities. After childbirth, hair is usually in worse condition than when carrying a child. And all procedures, one way or another associated with thermal exposure to high temperatures on the hair structure, can be detrimental to the hair shaft. As a result, the effect may be the opposite of what was expected – instead of a beautiful hairstyle, a woman will face massaging, hair loss and increased hair fragility. Formaldehyde, released under the influence of high temperatures, penetrates quickly into breast milk, and a newborn or infant can receive it with it. In a child"s body, formaldehyde can cause severe damage to the cells of the nervous system, optic nerve, and membranes of the brain. Many people believe that harmful substances cannot enter the body through hair. There is some truth in this. The probability of toxins and carcinogens penetrating into breast milk when applying the mixture to the hair is minimal. But there is a high probability of these substances penetrating into the body when heating hair with irons through the respiratory tract, as in the case of the procedure for pregnant women.


Keratin straightening is not the only worthy substitute that can help give hair a more youthful appearance. Hair lamination is available for women. If a woman has this procedure done in a salon by a skilled professional with only natural ingredients—such as gelatin, vitamin oil solutions, and essential natural oils—it won’t be harmful (assuming the patient doesn’t have any allergies). The condition of the hair will be improved by masks and sprays that contain keratin. The only thing to remember is to keep the curls out of the heat after application.

For a pregnant woman, and particularly for a nursing woman, using irons is not the best option. Heat damages the structure of hair, exacerbating the unfavorable changes brought on by pregnancy or nursing.

When looking for smoother, more manageable hair, keratin hair straightening may seem like a tempting option for pregnant women. It’s crucial to carefully consider the risks, though. Despite certain products’ claims to be safe, many of them contain formaldehyde and other chemicals that can be harmful to the mother’s and the unborn child’s health.

It’s always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider before getting any cosmetic procedures done when pregnant. Instead of taking needless risks, you can maintain healthy hair by using alternatives like kinder, natural hair care regimens.

Prioritizing your and your child’s health during this delicate period is important, so think carefully about whether the advantages of keratin straightening are really worth it. Making safe beauty decisions now can ease your mind and ensure the safety of both you and your child.

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Elena Ivanova

Mother of three children, with experience in early development and education. Interested in parenting methods that help to reveal a child's potential from an early age. I support parents in their desire to create a harmonious and loving family.

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