Papaverine suppositories during pregnancy: instructions for use

A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes and excitement during her pregnancy. But it can also result in certain difficulties and discomforts, such as spasms or cramps in the muscles. It is occasionally advised to use papaverine suppositories to help ease these problems during pregnancy.

It is crucial for expectant mothers to know how to use these suppositories safely. This post will explain what papaverine suppositories are, why a doctor might prescribe them, and how to take care of yourself and your child to get the most out of them.

It is always advisable to speak with your doctor before taking any medication while expecting. Let’s discuss the things you should know about using papaverine suppositories at this special time in your life.

What kind of drug is this?

"Papaverine" in the form of suppositories is characterized by an elongated shape and white color with an indistinct yellow or cream tint. Each suppository contains 20 mg of the active substance, which is called papaverine hydrochloride. To give the medicine a shape and ensure ease of use, solid fats are added to papaverine. There are no other chemical additives in the composition of such a product. The drug is sold in cardboard boxes containing two cell packages of 5 suppositories. To buy such "Papaverine" you do not need a prescription, and the average cost of one pack is 50-70 rubles. To store the drug at home, you need a cool place, hidden from small children. The shelf life of this form of the drug is 2 years.

How it works?

The suppositories’ active ingredient has a strong antispasmodic effect that targets smooth muscles. It relaxes the muscles in the gallbladder, intestines, uterus, bronchi, stomach, and bladder, among other organs. This restores the function of the "target" organ and helps to reduce the pain that occurs during spasms. Papaverine hydrochloride additionally acts on blood vessels, causing them to widen and lowering blood pressure.

Why it is used in pregnant women?

  • for dry cough caused by bronchospasm;
  • for abdominal pain caused by intestinal or biliary colic;
  • with headaches caused by spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • with renal colic or pain due to spasms in the bladder.

Crucial! For "white" fever, when peripheral vessels narrow against the backdrop of an elevated temperature and the limbs turn pale and cool, "Papaverine" in suppositories is also prescribed. This condition is extremely dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother and is associated with ARVI.

During pregnancy, papaverine suppositories can help reduce muscle spasms and enhance blood flow, but it’s crucial to use them correctly and be aware of any possible side effects. This guide explains when a doctor might recommend papaverine suppositories, how to take them safely, and what side effects to watch out for in order to have a safer pregnancy experience.


For the following reasons, pregnant women are prescribed papaverine suppositories more frequently than the other two drug forms (it is also available as tablets and an injection solution):

  • this drug has the simplest composition, so the risk of allergy is lower;
  • compared to tablets, the active substance is absorbed from the suppository faster, and its effect lasts longer;
  • the condition of the pregnant woman improves 10-15 minutes after the introduction of the suppository;
  • It is quite easy to use suppositories – this does not require the help of medical personnel, a woman copes with the introduction of suppositories on her own at home.

Can it harm?

Even though "Papaverine" does not impact the fetus’s development inside the uterus, using these suppositories without considering the pregnant woman’s potential contraindications can have unfavorable effects.

Women suffering from the following illnesses are not allowed to take the drug:

  • severe liver dysfunction;
  • atrioventricular block;
  • glaucoma.

Patients with disorders of the thyroid gland, kidneys, heart, and numerous other illnesses are not eligible for its use. Consequently, if the expectant mother has any concurrent medical conditions, she must first see a doctor. Only then can she purchase suppositories and use them in accordance with the regimen recommended by a specialist.

Furthermore, "Papaverine" may cause adverse effects even in cases when it is not recommended. Certain suppositories cause allergic reactions in certain women. Occasionally, the medication causes a drop in blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat. If you experience any of the following side effects from using papaverine, you should see a doctor: drowsiness, constipation, and other symptoms.

A gynecologist’s examination is urgently needed if using suppositories does not solve the issue for which they were prescribed or if the malaise worsens.

Use in the early stages

Many women worry and feel anxious at the start of their pregnancy, which raises the possibility of hypertonicity and miscarriage. The first trimester is crucial for the development of the fetus because it is during this time that the baby’s systems and major internal organs are established. An elevated uterine tone in the expectant mother endangers the embryo’s life and impedes its normal development. Therefore, it is entirely appropriate to use "Papaverine." But at the start of your pregnancy, you should never insert suppositories without a doctor’s prescription.

It is imperative that the expectant mother makes contact with a gynecologist so he can examine her, refer her for an ultrasound, and ensure that no additional hormonal, sedative, or other medications are needed.

The woman may be admitted to the hospital if her risk of miscarriage is very high. This is because medical professionals will have more time to attend to her needs while she is in the hospital, where her condition may worsen at any time. The pregnant patient is prescribed bed rest and suppositories containing papaverine due to her mild hypertonicity.

Instructions for use

We remind you that you should speak with your doctor to determine the best course of action before using "Papaverine" while you are expecting a child. These suppositories can only be used rectally, meaning that the anus is the only location in which they can be placed. There is no vaginal use of this medication. The drug’s fatty base heats up and dissolves when it enters the intestine, facilitating the active ingredient’s quick absorption and bloodstream transfer to the uterine membrane and other smooth muscle organs.

Here’s how the antispasmodic is used:

  1. the expectant mother should wash her hands and wipe them dry with a clean towel (you can also put on sterile gloves);
  2. you need to open the box, separate one cell and carefully remove the suppository from the wrapper;
  3. the woman needs to lie on her side, raise the leg located on top and carefully insert the suppository into the anus;
  4. after the introduction of the drug, you need to lie quietly for some time.

A single "Papaverine" dose typically consists of one suppository placed into the rectum multiple times a day at consistent intervals. The medication must be taken at least twice daily in order to have a therapeutic effect. E The doctor may prescribe suppositories three or four times if the spasms are particularly severe.

The length of the course of treatment is chosen individually for each woman, as the duration of the product’s use is dictated by the clinical situation and other factors, as previously mentioned. You can use suppositories for a few days or for two to three weeks.

If the patient’s pain and discomfort continue after taking Papaverine for a prescribed amount of days, then a follow-up visit and alternative treatment plan selection are necessary.


Women who had to use papaverine suppositories during their pregnancies attest that this is a safe and effective medication for the unborn child. Their elevated uterine tone improved rapidly. They list its affordability, ease of use, and lack of chemical additives in the composition as some of its benefits. If a woman has no contraindications, the undeniable benefit of "Papaverine" is the ability to use these suppositories at any point during her pregnancy.

Physicians also generally have positive things to say about this drug. They certify that the medication used for rectal use is the safest form and has no effect on the developing baby’s health. Doctors, however, vehemently oppose both self-medication and tampering with a specialist’s prescribed dosage. Overdosing will not only make the expectant mother’s condition worse, but it may also result in hospitalization.

Crucial! The only person who can alter "Papaverine" dosage is the attending physician.

Aspect Details
What are Papaverine suppositories? A type of medication used to relieve muscle spasms and improve blood flow.
Why use them during pregnancy? They can help reduce cramping and relax the uterine muscles.
How to use them? Insert the suppository into the rectum, usually 1-2 times daily or as directed by a doctor.
Possible side effects Dizziness, drowsiness, or a drop in blood pressure may occur.
Precautions Consult a doctor before use, especially if you have any medical conditions or allergies.

During pregnancy, papaverine suppositories can help with blood flow, pain relief, and the relief of muscle spasms. But it’s crucial to heed your doctor’s advice and only take them when required. When taken as directed, this medication is generally thought to be safe for both the mother and the unborn child, though individual responses may differ.

When taking papaverine, report any discomfort or negative effects to your healthcare provider right away. They can assist in determining whether the medication is appropriate for you and modifying your course of treatment as necessary.

Keep in mind that while papaverine can help with some pregnancy-related symptoms, it is not a panacea. To ensure a safe and comfortable pregnancy journey, always put regular check-ups, healthy habits, and open communication with your doctor first.

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Elena Ivanova

Mother of three children, with experience in early development and education. Interested in parenting methods that help to reveal a child's potential from an early age. I support parents in their desire to create a harmonious and loving family.

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