Premetrates of childbirth at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy

Many expectant mothers may start to notice signs of impending labor as their pregnancy nears its end. This can occur at about 36 or 37 weeks, and it can be both thrilling and a little unsettling. Although 40 weeks is the average duration of a full-term pregnancy, labor frequently starts earlier.

The body may begin subtle labor preparations at 37 or 36 weeks. While these symptoms can differ from woman to woman, they frequently involve physical changes such as increased pelvic pressure or an increase in the frequency of Braxton Hicks contractions. In order to be prepared when the time comes, it is crucial that you comprehend these signals.

Although many babies born at this stage do very well, these weeks are still considered preterm. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of labor can give you more confidence as you get ready for your baby to arrive.

Features of the current period

A future mother’s life enters a new phase during the 36–37 week of pregnancy. A significant internal preparation for the impending reflex act of childbirth starts during the pre-one period. There’s no reason to be afraid; even if labor starts at 37 weeks, the baby will be delivered at full term and won’t be premature. Still, giving birth at 35–36 weeks and 36 weeks is still regarded as hurried and carries some risks for both the mother and the child.

There are still about 3 weeks left until the estimated due date at 36-37 weeks, so there is time to finish all important things and prepare for an easy birth of the baby. However The EDD is not a mandatory date at all and only every 20th baby is born on this day. Other babies prefer to be born either earlier or later than the date indicated in the pregnant woman"s medical record. If this is the first birth, then there is a chance that the baby will appear after the 40th week, and if it is the second or third, then it should be understood that the baby may "ask" to come out on any day of the current or next week. Women at the current gestational age are usually already in impatient anticipation of the signs that should appear in anticipation of the baby"s birth. It is becoming more and more difficult to carry a pregnancy every day, and therefore some impatience of the expectant mother is understandable.

For many people, this week is a turning point. If you had trouble breathing, pain in your ribs, or heartburn in the past, active body preparation this week may surprise you with a much easier time breathing, as many women experience a belly drop at 36 full weeks.

Common signs

As already mentioned, the main symptom this week can be a change in the shape of the belly and a decrease in the height of the uterus. This is due to the fact that the baby takes the correct "pre-start" position in the uterine cavity: it goes down and presses its head against the internal os, thereby exerting additional pressure on the cervix, which also begins to mature. At 36 weeks, the belly usually drops in primiparous women. Women who bear under the heart of the second or third child, normally celebrate such a harbinger only a week before childbirth or even a couple of days before the start of the process. Therefore,, if this is not your first birth, and the baby has dropped at the current term, you should be extremely careful, labor can begin at any moment. First-time mothers with a dropped belly can easily carry their child for another 3-4 weeks.

If you are diagnosed with polyhydramniosis or abnormal fetal presentation, you should not wait for the belly to drop if you are pregnant with multiple children.

  • change in the shape of the abdomen;
  • easier breathing, less shortness of breath;
  • frequent urination due to pressure of the fetal head on the bladder;
  • increased pain in the pubic symphysis, in the pelvic bones.

At 37 weeks, there are fewer movements. They are not as active as before, but the expectant mother still needs to count the movements of her baby. If there are less than 10 in half a day, you should definitely tell your doctor about it. A sign of imminent genera is not considered a lower activity of the fetus at this time, the reason for this behavior of the baby lies in significant tightness, because it occupies the entire uterine cavity. Prenatal "lull" in the abdomen, when the baby reduces activity to a minimum due to the need to accumulate strength and energy for the birth process, usually starts 1-2 days before the onset of labor.

A woman might experience more training contractions this week. These are transient, erratic spasms of the uterine muscles. This is not labor; you can handle the contractions easily. You can move your body, take a walk, do breathing exercises, change positions, or take a shower or No-Shpa pill. Eventually, the contractions will stop.

Training contractions can be felt starting in the 20th week of pregnancy in primiparous women, and they typically start a week before the baby is born in women giving birth again. The expectant mother shouldn’t be alarmed by false contractions that are occurring more frequently than before because this phenomenon is linked to numerous physiological processes in the uterus and endocrine system. The cervix starts to prepare this week. Some people have already felt the pulling, tingling, and aching sensations in their lower backs, while others have not yet experienced them.

The obstetrician-gynecologist will start measuring the cervix’s maturity at weekly appointments starting in the 37th week. It ought to get softer and shorter—from three to one and a half centimeters. A small opening in the cervical canal is detected. Women who give birth again may not experience any feelings at all, or their maturation process may be accelerated. Because early labor indicators are highly personalized, this week may see women experience increased difficulty falling asleep and waking up frequently, as well as unexplainable anxiety and mood swings. These symptoms are caused by hormones, the balance of which in the body has already started to shift.

Around 37 weeks into her pregnancy, a woman frequently becomes very active and begins organizing, cleaning, and demanding that her husband quickly replace the chandelier, wallpaper, and refrigerator. This is an example of the "nesting syndrome," an ancestor’s animal instinct. In many animals, females instinctively start improving the conditions in the nest or burrow before the kids show up, helping them survive after they are born.

The mucous plug discharging could be an indication that labor will start in a few days. The cervical canal releases a jelly-like, milky, or yellowish clot that may or may not have blood streaks in it.

Should the discharge abruptly turn watery and increase in volume, particularly after the woman lies down and gets up, it is wise to consider amniotic fluid leakage and seek medical advice.

A woman’s weight decreases by 2-3 kg a few days prior to delivery; this is because progesterone causes the release of extra intercellular fluid that has accumulated. This hormone’s concentration drops as childbirth approaches. Additionally, the body frequently cleanses itself: nausea and diarrhea may manifest, and appetite may vanish.

What is happening in the body?

You must be aware of the internal processes these outward indicators are linked to in order to comprehend why precursors manifest or why they are absent at this point.

  • First of all, the hormonal background changes. Progesterone production decreases. This hormone has fulfilled its task – it contributed to the bearing of the fetus, its nutrition, relaxation of the uterine muscles during pregnancy. Now the need for it disappears. It is replaced by oxytocin, which is produced by the placenta and pituitary gland, as well as relaxin and estrogens. Oxytocin affects the receptors of the uterus, under the influence of this hormonal substance, the female reproductive organ will begin to contract when the time comes for labor to begin. Relaxin relaxes the uterine ligaments, the genital tract, to facilitate the passage of the baby. Estrogens create a favorable hormonal background for the synthesis of prolactin, without which breastfeeding will be impossible.
  • The amount of excess nerve fibers in the uterus is gradually reduced, A special protein, actomyosin, is synthesized in the cells of the uterine tissues, which will provide the myometrium with the necessary ability to contract under the influence of oxytocin. The cervix softens and begins to expand.
  • The work of the central nervous system changes – the excitability of the brain becomes lower (a natural mechanism for relieving pain), and the excitability and susceptibility of the spinal cord, on the contrary, increases.
  • The placenta is rapidly aging. This process began after the 35th week and is now in full swing. There is no need to be afraid of this. Even a mature placenta is able to provide the child with everything necessary until the moment of its birth.

The combination of these elements paints a clinical picture of the so-called labor harbingers.

Signs of Early Labor Description
Increased Pelvic Pressure You may feel more pressure in your pelvis as the baby drops lower.
Frequent Braxton Hicks Practice contractions may become more regular and uncomfortable.
Back Pain A constant or dull ache in the lower back could be a sign of early labor.
Change in Discharge You might notice an increase in vaginal discharge or mucus.
Water Breaking The amniotic sac may rupture, leading to a gush or leak of fluid.

It’s crucial to recognize the symptoms of possible labor beginning at 36–37 weeks of pregnancy. You can feel more prepared for the birth by being aware of these pre-labor symptoms, which are your body’s way of getting ready.

It is a good idea to get in touch with your healthcare provider if you observe any changes, such as frequent contractions, breaking water, or a noticeable change in the baby’s movement. They can offer you advice on what to do next to make sure you and your child are safe.

Despite the fact that labor might seem imminent, each pregnancy is unique, and some symptoms may arise early without resulting in an early delivery. For guidance during these last few weeks, follow your intuition, pay attention to your body, and keep in contact with your physician.

While 36–37 weeks of pregnancy is thought to be a little early for childbirth, there may be some difficulties. Although they might experience minor breathing difficulties or require additional attention for feeding and temperature regulation, babies born during this time are typically healthy. When labor is about to begin, parents should be aware of symptoms like lower back pain, water breaking, or contractions. An easy delivery experience for mother and child during these early weeks is ensured by proper medical support.

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Elena Ivanova

Mother of three children, with experience in early development and education. Interested in parenting methods that help to reveal a child's potential from an early age. I support parents in their desire to create a harmonious and loving family.

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