The fifth month of pregnancy

Pregnancy’s fifth month is a thrilling time with lots of noticeable changes. Many women are starting to show more by now, and the developing baby bump frequently turns into an obvious indicator that a new life is growing inside of them. This is usually the most comfortable phase because it’s easier to enjoy this stage because the early symptoms, like morning sickness, have usually subsided.

The baby’s rapid development is continuing during this month. As the baby gets more active, you might begin to feel little movements, which are sometimes referred to as flutters or kicks. Your partner and you may treasure these times together, adding to the realness of the pregnancy.

It’s critical to continue to be aware of your health as your body adapts to the changes. The keys to feeling your best during this time are eating healthily, staying active, and getting enough sleep. Even though this phase of pregnancy can be one of the most enjoyable, it’s still important to pay attention to your body and heed any advice from your doctor.

Aspect Details
Baby"s development By the fifth month, the baby is growing quickly, and their movements become more noticeable. The baby starts developing a stronger sense of hearing and may respond to external sounds.
Mother"s body The baby bump is more visible, and the mother may feel more energetic. Common symptoms include leg cramps, back pain, and increased appetite.
Health checkups Regular checkups continue, and the doctor may perform an ultrasound to check the baby"s growth and development.
Emotional changes Mood swings may occur as hormone levels fluctuate, but many mothers feel more connected to their baby during this time.

General information

Not all expectant mothers have a clear idea of ​​how many weeks this is. One thing is obvious – the second trimester of pregnancy is underway, the calmest and most relaxed. The first, dangerous for the child and the woman, is long gone, the difficult third has not yet begun. If you count the gestation period as all doctors and obstetricians do – from the first day of the last menstruation, then there will be exactly four obstetric weeks in the fifth month – 17, 18, 19 and 20 inclusive. In the calendar calculation we are accustomed to, one week contains more days than 28, and therefore, if you check it with a wall calendar, the fifth month will include 18, 19, 20 and 21 weeks.

Mark the start of the fifth month at 17.5 obstetric weeks and count 4.5 weeks to avoid confusion. As a result, the month will end on the precise day of twenty-three weeks.

Since there is now a much lower chance of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy, women are less concerned at this point. A certain level of regularity, fluidity of movement, and leisurely pace emerge, but they still have nothing in common with the later-stage clumsiness that characterizes expectant mothers.

Fetal development

Your baby is quite big, and he is growing very quickly. Now and in the second half of pregnancy, he will have to gain the necessary weight. Nothing new will appear inside the child"s body, everything is formed and now the organs are working, debugging interaction. In the womb, the baby, believe me, has no time to be bored at all – he is actively exploring the space around him. His bones have become stronger, they accumulate, absorb calcium from the mother"s body. Facial muscles are developed – the baby knows several options for funny faces and grimaces with all his might. Here"s what happens in different weeks of this month.

17.5-18 weeks

The first week of the fifth month makes the baby more proportionally built: the rate of growth of his head slows down a bit, while the rest of the body continues to grow. Thanks to this, he gradually stops looking like a big-headed alien with short legs and long arms. The weight of the fetus has reached 220-250 grams, it has managed to grow to an average of 22 centimeters. The brain is already well developed enough for the baby to begin actively mastering conscious voluntary movements. Now he increasingly catches the umbilical cord not because it just happened to be within reach of his hands, but because it is interesting and educational. The baby has learned to suck his finger. At this stage, the baby can begin to catch his legs with his hands, which have already grown, but he still cannot pull them into his mouth. The heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, glands of internal secretion work, blood cells are produced.

19th week

The growth rate has reached its peak and now this process will proceed a little slower than before. Now the main task facing the child is not to gain centimeters, but to gain weight. The baby has “grown heavier” to 300 grams, has grown to 24 centimeters. He is starting to deposit the first reserves of subcutaneous fat. The baby is very mobile and active, but not all women are able to feel it yet. For example, primiparous women for the most part do not yet notice discernible movements, but mothers who have experience of pregnancy and childbirth usually already feel the baby"s somersaults. From this period, your child begins to hear fully. If earlier he perceived sounds inside the mother"s body and coming from the outside as vibrations, now the structures of the inner ear have finally formed and he hears exactly the same way as you and me. Not everything comes through the stomach and amniotic fluid to the small ears, but he already distinguishes the loud sounds of the outside world, and also knows the voice of his mother, father, he is soothed by the beating of his mother’s heart and a hum of blood flowing through her vessels.

You can begin cuddling with your baby by reading him fairy tales, singing him lullabies, and having tender conversations. He perceives and hears everything.

20th week

Here is the middle of your term. An important date for you and your baby. The baby meets the “equator” of pregnancy with a height of up to 26 centimeters and a weight of about 350-370 grams. His appearance changes, the baby no longer looks pathologically thin and wrinkled. Small cheeks have appeared. The skin reaches a new level of development and becomes four-layered, the degree of protection increases – soon the baby will no longer need the vernix caseosa and lanugo hairs that cover his entire body. But for this, all four layers of his skin must become stronger. Life with tightly closed eyes is boring for the child. At this time, he will begin to try to open his eyes, but for now these will be only timid attempts. This is how the blinking reflex is formed. The child is now better protected in front of the threats from the outside, since from this time he has his own immunity. The protective system is, of course, immature and weak, but the first immune cells are already being produced, the beginning has been made. This week women usually begin to feel movements. If this does not happen, be patient and wait a little longer, perhaps you have a low-active "sleepyhead" or simply do not have experience of experiencing such sensations.

By the way, the baby already indicates which hand will be his dominant hand at this point, favoring either the left or the right. In rare instances, a child will be born ambidextrous if both hands and both hemispheres of the brain perform the same task.

21 weeks

The last three days after the 20th week complete the fifth month. And by this stage the child approaches with an increase in weight – he has recovered to 400-420 grams and has grown to almost 28 centimeters. The skin begins to acquire a normal shade, because the epidermis and dermis are now separated from the blood vessels by a rather impressive layer of subcutaneous fat. It is very important to accumulate it – after birth, a child with a lack of subcutaneous fat (hypotrophy) will experience serious problems with maintaining the heat of his own body. To prevent this from happening, nature has taken care of the fact that the baby acquired plump forms in advance. The brain and nervous system made an active leap forward – millions of new neural connections allow the child to better control his body and learn new reflexes necessary to survive in a new environment after birth.

Babies already follow some sort of schedule by now; they go to sleep and wake up at regular intervals.

Mom"s well-being

In the fifth month, the belly begins to grow, and in some, the belly that was small yesterday turns into a rather noticeable rounded "ball" in just a few days. It’s good if the woman prepared in advance for quick changes in her own appearance, otherwise it may turn out that there will be nothing to put on work or study at all. It"s time to change your wardrobe, because the belly will now grow rapidly. The size of the belly at this stage depends not only on whether the baby is big or small, one or two children, but also on the amount of amniotic fluid, where the placenta is attached, how wide the hips of the expectant mother are. Later, the growth of the belly is noticeable in overweight women with wide hips. Earlier, the belly begins to be noticeable in thin women, with a narrow pelvis, with the location of the placenta on the anterior wall, as well as with polyhydramnios.

In any case, the belly in the fifth month looks very neat. If a woman does not want to advertise her condition, she can easily hide the pregnancy behind loose, well-chosen clothes. If it seems that the belly is not growing at all, it is worth discussing this with your doctor – any obstetrician has an impressive arsenal of arguments and ways to reassure the expectant mother in this situation. It is recommended to get a fetal doppler with particularly restless – this home simple device with an ultrasound sensor at any moment will allow the mommy to listen to the fetal heartbeat to make sure that the baby is alive and everything is in order with him. This purchase will also be useful for those who are in a panic about the lack of movements in the fifth month.

Nothing is particularly concerning at this point because the uterus is not large enough to squeeze the internal organs and result in functional disorders, nor is the weight gain significant enough to make walking difficult.

  • Decrease in hemoglobin levels, anemia – the condition develops due to an increase in the amount of circulating blood. A woman"s calcium and iron reserves are depleted at the current stage, everything is taken by the child, who needs these elements for the normal development of the musculoskeletal system and hematopoiesis. It is imperative to do a blood test and, based on its results, start taking iron supplements. Even those whose hemoglobin is within normal limits are recommended to add more foods containing iron to their diet (buckwheat porridge, liver, red meats, apples).
  • Discharge can become yellowish. This is possible due to the action of the hormone progesterone. White or colorless discharge, moderate, leaving no marks on underwear, are also considered normal. They may have a slight sour smell or no smell at all. There is no period at this stage, believing the speculation that “the fetus is washed” when bloody discharge appears is extremely dangerous. This is a threatening sign, so you need to immediately consult a doctor. Brown, gray, greenish discharge should also cause concern – this can be a sign of infection.
  • The breasts grow a little more and become quite large. For many pregnant women, colostrum appears at this stage more than once. If it bothers you a lot, you should buy a special bra that has pads (similar to a nursing bra). Colostrum should not be squeezed out. But with its appearance, the likelihood of infection enters the milk ducts, because a colostrum is a valuable nutrient medium for bacteria. Now you need to wash your breasts twice a day with warm water without soap, keep them clean. First-time mothers usually do not have colostrum at 4.5-5 months.
  • Itching of the skin appears in the area of ​​stretching – on the lateral parts of the mammary glands, abdomen. The more actively the breasts grow, the faster the abdomen grows, the stronger the itching can be. A woman is recommended to use a fatty baby cream or use special products for stretch marks (striae).
  • It is imperative to inform the doctor about the beginning of movements. This will help him once again make sure that the term is set correctly. From the moment of the first movement in a first-time mother to childbirth, it usually takes 20 weeks, and for a woman giving birth again – about 18 weeks. The movements are still very delicate, gentle. It is very easy to confuse them with intestinal motility, and therefore it is recommended that women with experience in determining the movements, are advised to try to lie down on their backs, completely relaxed, eat something sweet before that or drink a glass of warm milk. Most often, the first movement is registered in the evening, when the expectant mother is getting ready to fall asleep and is completely relaxed.
  • Heartburn, constipation – unpleasant symptoms, but for many, alas, quite real. They are caused by the action of the same pregnancy hormone progesterone. It causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus to reduce its tone. At the same time, the tone of the esophagus and intestines decreases.

Women’s conditions are generally satisfactory at this point. Toxicosis does not exist. Her nighttime sleep gets better, and the early-stage headaches that she used to get on a daily basis gradually go away. The mood becomes more consistent, with no abrupt swings.

Many start to worry, fear, and consider how the birth will go. It is worthwhile to enroll in a psychoprophylactic course at this point in order to get ready for childbirth. Relaxation methods will be helpful even now. Learning how to breathe correctly will help you not only deal with your fears but also, naturally, reduce pain during labor.

What is allowed and what is not?

It’s critical to heed the doctor’s advice to establish a healthy, balanced diet at this point. The woman’s body is harmed by the child’s bones mineralizing because she loses calcium, her teeth could ache, and her nails could break. Including dairy products, cottage cheese, and fresh herbs in one’s diet is crucial.

It is not advisable for you to:

  • Eat for two or, conversely, starve. In the first case, you can gain excess weight, which will increase the likelihood of gestosis in late pregnancy, in the second, the child will not receive enough nutrients. The optimal caloric content of the daily diet is 2500-2700 Kcal.
  • Consume alcohol, drugs and any medications, that are not agreed with the attending physician. Many drugs have a teratogenic effect and can negatively affect the development of the fetus. And although organogenesis is complete and the baby is formed and protected by the placenta, all of this should be avoided.
  • Lifting weights and being nervous.
  • Wearing tight clothes, Tightening the stomach and wearing high heels.
  • Lying on your back for a long time – the growing uterus now presses on the vena cava in this position, which can lead to poor health or even loss of consciousness due to circulatory problems. The best position for a future mother is on her side. It"s time to start mastering it, since you will have to sleep in it now until the very birth.

As of right now, a lot more is permitted than forbidden, so you are free to take a vacation by the sea without risk. Flying on an airplane is also legal, and airline staff members won’t even inquire as to whether a woman has a certificate proving her ability to travel by air. While it’s best to avoid spending too much time outside, swimming in the sea will help.

If a woman is not experiencing pregnancy complications (placenta previa, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, etc. d.), then having sex is not forbidden. The doctor typically alerts patients to the risks associated with sexual activity because of all the problems that can worsen from it. Simply inquire about being able to have sex during the appointment if you are unsure.

It is now important for the couple to consider their position when having sex. It is important to be mindful of the exclusion of anal intercourse and positions that put pressure on the uterus.

Physicians advise against lubricating during the fifth month of pregnancy.

For both the mother and the unborn child, the fifth month of pregnancy is a thrilling time. The changes become more apparent as your belly expands, and your relationship with your child gets stronger. Expectation is common during this month since you might feel your baby’s movements more clearly for the first time.

It’s also an excellent time to prioritize maintaining your health and taking care of yourself. You can make sure everything is going according to plan by eating a balanced diet, exercising, and getting regular checkups. Remember to take some time to unwind and savor this unique stage.

It’s normal to go through a range of emotions emotionally. All emotions are a part of the journey, whether they are excitement, nervousness, or something in between. Maintaining open lines of communication with your significant other or family members can be very helpful at this time.

Pregnancy is an exciting time, with the mother and the unborn child going through a lot of changes in the fifth month. The baby has grown a lot by now, and mothers frequently feel those first little kicks. Some women experience increased energy during this time, but it’s crucial to pay attention to the body’s needs as the baby develops. During this critical stage of pregnancy, it’s important to maintain an active lifestyle, eat a healthy diet, and have regular checkups to ensure the health of mother and child.

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Anna Petrova

Child psychologist with 10 years of experience. I work with children and parents, helping to understand the intricacies of upbringing, psycho-emotional development and the formation of healthy relationships in the family. I strive to share useful tips so that every child feels happy and loved.

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