We’re off and running. Good neighbors, happy friends, faraway lands.
We sing a song and have a good time while discussing our way of life.
Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! We bring Chizhik the cat, Petka the bully, the dog, and ourselves. What a pair: a parrot and a monkey! What a business!
There’s nothing better than living together! You can love everyone, and there’s no reason to argue.
You have a long way to go. Bring your friends along; they’ll be of assistance and it will be more enjoyable.
We sang while driving and, doing our best as a group, we made it home with a humorous song.
We had the sun shining on us. We were being blown by the wind. The trip wasn’t monotonous at all. Everyone then began to sing:
- Hello, cow
- Song of friends (The Bremen Town Musicians)
- Car (Three cats)
- On the road with clouds
- I pedal (Leopold the Cat)
- Little Red Riding Hood"s Song
- Road-path
- Song of the Little Train
- rings over the world carriage
- Video on the topic
- Itsyk Tsyper and Igor Tsyba – on the ridge
- Sultan-Uragan and Murat Tkhagalegov To the disco [Official Music Video] HD
- We Are Going by Car – Songs for Children .tv
- Volshebniki dvora – Bibika
- BUS (let"s go, let"s go forward). Cartoon song, video for children. Our everything!
Hello, cow
G. Pinegin and A. Kruzhkov
Hi there, bovine! Cow, where are you going? Goat, hello! Goat, good-bye! Every moment spent driving is different: a flag-carrying switchman, a mower wielding a scythe.
Chorus: "Oh, you’re riding high like a carousel, surrounded by people, trees, fields, and clouds." What fun it is to ride in a carriage! Hi there, river! River, good bye!
What joy, what fun! The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is ask myself, "How far have I traveled?" and I quickly walk to the window.
What joy it is to ride in a carriage while birds and wattle fences soar past. What’s grazing up there on the hillside? Goat, hello! Goat, good-bye!
Song of friends (The Bremen Town Musicians)
Entin Yu and Gladkov G
Nothing in the world compares to traveling the world with friends. Worries are not something to fear for friends. We love every road. We love roads of all kinds.
We will never lose sight of our mission: making people laugh and smile! The alluring palace vaults They can never take the place of freedom.
Our roof is a blue sky, our walls are giant pines, our carpet is a flower meadow, and living with such a fate is our happiness.
Car (Three cats)
I’m going to drive my dad past the forests. To the ends of the Earth, four wheels drive through the dust. We ride fearlessly over hills and valleys; as long as we have gas in the tank, kilometers don’t scare us.
Chorus: You and I sing, and we don’t brake as we drive alongside Dad and stare out the window. Let the raindrops land on the hood and roof. We are fortunate to travel with our father.
We have access to the entire globe, east, south, and west. Our dear father is behind the wheel, stepping on the gas. What if you decide you’re sick of driving through the mountains? Will we be able to park near the restaurant and theater?
On the road with clouds
V. Bystryakov and A. Vratarev
1 The roadway begins at the threshold, crosses the threshold and enters the blue dream! When you return home by foot, let the world appear big but still enjoyable!
Chorus: "Under the sky, with true friends, like in a boat with sails, it’s good." Navigate anyplace your gaze lands. On the cloudy road, I truly enjoy the road with clouds when we come back.
Two roads that resemble the gentle hands of close friends. Many new friends we meet on the road. Walking with friends is much more enjoyable!
3 The road is similar to a friend. Similar to having a constant companion, it’s never boring and never congested. Never on the smallest path.
I pedal (Leopold the Cat)
Hight, A. and Savel"ev
1. I pedal while twisting back and forth. I soar like a bird down the mountain, down the mountain, and down the mountain. I’m rushing—hurry, hurry, hurry—lightly In the rainbow’s direction.
Chorus: Let’s keep going until the road disappears. Sadness Please don’t put it on my heart. I’m capable of managing anything in the world. And I roll wherever I want, all over the world, with this song.
2 When things are difficult, have patience—a lot of it. A creak, a creak Saddle me, you me. Don’t be bold, don’t be bold, don’t be bold! Give up for a little! Have the ability to conquer oneself!
3 Glide, glide, glide I’m not sure where that is. I want it to be like that all the time. Stronger than ever, I promise not to back down. I’ll clench my teeth only.
Little Red Riding Hood"s Song
A. Rybnikov and Yu. Kim
And then, maybe, then, of course, Then, probably-true-true, Then, maybe-possibly, You can come to Africa if you walk a long way along the path, if you go for a long time along the path, stomp, ride, and run.
Chorus: "A-ah, these wide rivers in Africa." A-ah, these high mountains in Africa. And a green parrot, and crocodiles, and hippos, and monkeys, and sperm whales, and ah.
And the moment I set out to meet someone—that is, the moment I encounter the beast—I am certain that I will not forget it and that I shall say "Hello" as soon as possible.
Chorus: Hello, rivers this wide. A-ah. Hello, mountains this high, a-ah. A-a, green parrot, A-a, crocodiles, hippos, monkeys, sperm whales, A-ah, and A-a.
However, naturally, naturally, if you’re so indolent, if you’re so shy, Remain at home; avoid taking walks! You should avoid roads, slopes, mountains, gullies, rivers, and crayfish. Observe proper hand and foot hygiene!
Chorus: Why do you require such a vast sea? Why do you require such a tall sky? A-a, a green parrot, crocodiles, hippos, monkeys, sperm whales, A-a, and some other stuff.
Shchepotyeva E., Kudinov Yu.
Roadways wind in a serpentine fashion. across meadows and mountains. The rainbow’s arc bends as the sun beams brightly in the clear blue sky.
Chorus: What a bliss it is to be on the road all the time! What a wonderful experience traveling! More joyful strides, our legs! Song, soar with greater volume!
A stream will smile after the oak grove waves to us in the breeze. The journey is not frightening if you have a friend with you. even with the night’s rustle.
Chorus: At daybreak, they’ll start singing the song. cunning voices. Who is that? Well, kids, naturally. And then wonders will start to happen.
Song of the Little Train
G. Sapgir, G. Tsyferov, and V. Yurovsky
A vast field, a verdant forest, The number of roads and paths in the spring.
Chorus: "Good things are happening in the world, sunshine, wind, and good travels." Good luck on your journey. The greatest, the greatest Cheers to your journey.
Everything is fascinating. Whenever you look, the song Friendly the blue hue.
rings over the world carriage
V. Shainsky and E. Uspensky
1. The minutes slip by slowly, and you shouldn’t anticipate seeing them again. And while we harbor some regret for the past, the best is undoubtedly still to come.
Tablecloth, tablecloth is the chorus. The lengthy route stretches out and parallels the sky. To everyone, to everyone who has faith in goodness. Blue carriage, rolling, rolling.
2. Perhaps our offense was unjustified; the calendar will turn over a new page. Friends, we’re rushing to new experiences! Hey engineer, pick up the pace!
3 The express train accelerates as the blue carriage runs and sways. Why does today have to end? Let it go on for a full year!
Selecting the appropriate music for a family road trip can significantly enhance the experience. We’ve compiled a list of 10 upbeat and catchy songs that are ideal for listening to while driving in order to maintain the mood and keep everyone moving. These songs are a terrific way to sing along, uplift the mood, and make a tedious drive something to look forward to.
Poetry, autos, and kids between the ages of four and seven Additional pieces written by the writer