What does E say about constipation. Komarovsky?

Many parents worry about their children’s constipation, and it can be difficult to know when to get concerned or how to support their child. Fortunately, renowned pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky provides helpful guidance on how to handle this situation.

While occasional constipation is common, Dr. Komarovsky stresses that it’s crucial to identify potential causes. A child’s digestion is greatly influenced by variables such as nutrition, hydration, and daily schedule.

This post will discuss how to prevent constipation and when to see a doctor, as well as what Dr. Komarovsky has to say about treating it.

Cause of Constipation Dr. Komarovsky says that constipation in children is often caused by improper diet, lack of fluids, and insufficient fiber intake.
Treatment He recommends increasing the child"s water intake, adding more fruits and vegetables to their diet, and encouraging physical activity.
Medication Komarovsky advises against frequent use of laxatives and suggests consulting a doctor if constipation persists.
Emotional Impact He highlights that stress or emotional issues can also cause constipation and should be addressed if present.

What is constipation?

The dictionary defines constipation as difficulty passing gas and waste products through the stools too slowly. Insufficient evacuation of the intestines from waste products is another name for constipation. Constipation is a problem that affects people of all ages, but it is especially important to pay attention to it in children as it may indicate a congenital illness.

Psychological factor

A child’s stool may change depending on where they defecate. The baby might not enjoy the restroom’s location, temperature, smell, or hygienic conditions. This is particularly apparent when taking a child on a long-distance trip away from home. Then, psychological factors rather than gastrointestinal anomalies could be the cause of constipation. Before you begin treating a baby for constipation, keep this in mind.

A child may want to use the restroom but hold back out of fear of pain if they have hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Supplets containing glycerin or sea buckthorn oil may be helpful in this case. Komarovsky refers to them as one of the simplest and safest methods for treating constipation in infants under a year old.

Is it a disease?

If constipation develops at the age of over three years, and the child does not have obesity, dystrophy or developmental delay, then congenital anomalies are the last thing to think about. In infants of the first year of life, constipation can mean a rather dangerous pathology – Hirschsprung"s disease. With this disease, nerve cells in a part of the intestine are underdeveloped, which is why this area functions poorly. It constantly contracts, causing the accumulation of feces. It is possible to cure this pathology only through surgery, removing the part of the intestine that does not work. It is good that this disease is quite rare (in one newborn out of 2000-5000 thousand babies), so in most children constipation is not a life-threatening problem.

Dr. Komarovsky highlights that diet, hydration, and lifestyle are frequently associated with constipation in children. To help maintain a healthy digestive system, he advises parents to concentrate on giving their children a well-balanced, high-fiber diet, making sure they drink lots of water, and encouraging regular physical activity. Additionally, he suggests that while simple lifestyle adjustments can frequently alleviate constipation, seeking medical attention is still necessary to rule out any underlying health issues if the condition worsens.

Is it possible to establish the causes?

Children can develop constipation for a variety of reasons. And the only person who can accurately identify the cause in a given child is a qualified medical professional. Frequently, this is not a standalone issue; rather, it is merely a symptom of a disease. Hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and other conditions can all cause constipation.

According to Komarovsky, despite extensive research, the causes of constipation are frequently never identified. On the other hand, parents’ attempts to manage this issue ought to be overseen by a medical professional with specialized training. Additionally, all efforts should be focused on the illness that has caused this particular manifestation of constipation rather than the constipation itself if the examination has determined what is causing it.

Komarovsky highlights that parents should not view constipation as a tragedy or a disaster if the child’s examination has not revealed a serious cause for it. It is possible to solve this issue.

What is the treatment?

A well-known physician observes that the child needs to drink a normal amount of fluids in order to maintain normal bowel function. However, the baby’s body needs enough potassium at the same time. The intestinal juices are impacted when a child loses fluids, as can happen when they have a fever or are in a hot, dry environment. This makes their work more difficult. When parents are scared to give their child any water other than boiling, it exacerbates everything.

Granted, giving the baby boiled water is preferable to untreated tap water; however, the boiling process removes all mineral salts from the water. First of all, the absence of potassium in that kind of water is bad for the intestines. If this component is insufficient, the digestive tract’s contractions are weakened, which eventually results in constipation.

Figs, raisins, prunes, and apricots are high in potassium. Komarovsky recommends giving these items at the same time (or making compote from them) if parents give the child boiled water. E. Komarovsky states that boiling water and overheating are the two main causes of constipation in infants.

Diet for constipation

The goal of diet therapy for diarrhea is to cut out foods high in protein from the child’s diet. Kefir, apple juice, yogurt, curdled milk, and black bread (it’s best to limit or avoid white bread) can be given to the baby for one day. In one out of every four cases, constipation can be completely cured without the need for additional medication by consuming yogurt and steamed prunes before bed. Additionally, Komarovsky highlights that no product is inherently contraindicated and must be used in the event of constipation. Individuality should always be the approach.

Dr. Komarovsky highlights that children’s constipation is a common problem that is typically resolved with easy lifestyle adjustments. He says that maintaining hydration, eating a well-balanced, high-fiber diet, and engaging in regular physical activity are essential for encouraging regular, healthy bowel movements.

Additionally, since stress can exacerbate constipation, parents should exercise patience and refrain from overreacting to the situation. It’s critical to keep an eye on the child’s general health and to seek medical advice if the issue worsens or if there are any indicators of a more serious problem.

Parents can help their children maintain regular bowel habits and avoid constipation from becoming a chronic issue by adhering to these guidelines.

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Maria Smirnova

Teacher with 15 years of experience, author of educational programs for preschoolers. Goal - to share effective methods for developing children's intelligence and creativity. It is important to help parents better understand how to teach children through play and exciting tasks.

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