Board game analogs

A great way to spend quality time with family and friends is through board games. However, the original versions of these games can occasionally be somewhat pricey or difficult to locate. This is where analogs come into play; they are comparable games that provide an enjoyable experience but at a lesser price or with a different twist.

Board game analogs can be a great option if you’re looking for an affordable option or a new spin on a classic. These substitutes frequently provide distinctive gameplay aspects while preserving the original’s captivating vibe.

We’ll look at some of the top board game analogs in this post to give you ideas on new ways to enjoy your favorite genres of games without going over budget.

Board game analogs "Corridor" from Gigamic

It is your responsibility to get your chip to the other side of the field first. However, the adversary places barriers in your path to stop you. Whoever is able to find the shortest path to victory will win!

Although it is played quickly, you are forced to plan ahead and think strategically as you make your moves. The game is practical as well as entertaining.

There are versions of the Gigamic original "Corridor" available for adults, babies, and travel mini. Wooden components of the highest caliber, but they are expensive.

Yes, there are two game analogs under budget:

  • from Las Igras "Wall to wall". Plastic elements, good performance, and a nice price.
  • From CrazyWood made of plywood, the name was not changed: "Corridor".

Analogues of the game "Barabashka"

The player’s job is to rapidly identify, from the image, which object should vanish: the one whose color and image are entirely missing from the picture, or the one whose color turned out to be the correct one. then take possession of this item first.

I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with the fantastic logic and attention game "Barabashka" (which is also part of the "Baramelka," "Barbaron," "Geistes," and "Geistesblitz" series) from the Lifestyle brand. And there’s a very inexpensive card game with identical mechanics!

This is the Selfie media song "Hedgehog Lost." While it lacks the adorable wooden figures found in Barabashka, the characters on the cards are still incredibly endearing. Additionally, the game is much smaller than its pricey counterpart, which is sometimes crucial!

Moreover, there are inexpensive versions of the following board games: "Magic Castle," "Funny Zoo," and "Funny Mess."

An inexpensive and enjoyable way for families to have experiences akin to those of popular games without the high cost is with board game analogs. These substitutes frequently offer the same level of excitement, strategy, and interaction as well as capturing the essence of popular games. They’re a terrific option for get-togethers or game nights because they let families try new things while still spending quality time together.

"Crazy Labyrinth" and "Alice"s Labyrinth"

Players construct a playing field at random using tiles depicting labyrinths at the start of the game. One tile must stay in place because it will allow players to alter the path through the labyrinth. Each player receives a figure along with a deck of cards containing the required treasures.

The player can use the last tile to rearrange the labyrinth’s movements in order to find the treasure. The player who returned first after collecting all the treasures wins.

For kids as young as six years old, Ravensburger offers a fun strategic game called "Crazy Labyrinth" that enhances spatial perception and thinking. However, it currently costs about 2500 rubles.

"Alice’s Labyrinth" is the game’s low-budget equivalent. Though still fairly pricey, the quality is good and the price is still reasonable.

In terms of budget, the "Secret Labyrinth" from Las Igras is the closest analog.

Analogue of the board game "Wild Jungle"

The Lifestyle game "Wild Jungle" is excellent for honing visual perception skills!

You have to quickly take a totem figure from the table before other players do when laying out identical cards. You will be able to discard your cards in this scenario. Whoever is left without cards before others is the winner.

Right now, it costs roughly 1500 rubles. However, "Crazy Cow" from Las Igras is a less expensive alternative that costs 300–400 rubles. The analog’s quality is appropriate.

Budget analogue of the game Gigamic Pylos

Each player has fifteen identically colored balls. You have to create a pyramid by placing them on the playing field one by one. You have to place your ball on top in order to win.

Two-pronged approach Although Pylos is an interesting game that challenges the mind, it has a lot of negative aspects, primarily related to cost. The construction is excellent, the feel of the balls is pleasing, and the wood is genuine. Even so, not everyone is willing to spend money on beauty.

Still, low-cost equivalents of awesome board games come to the rescue! In this instance, Las Igras’ "Pyramid Lord." Merely 250 rubles! The game will undoubtedly serve its purpose, so there’s no need to have any high expectations for it.

Magnetic game “Noah’s Ark” from Bondibon

The thoughtful and lovely video game "Noah’s Ark" by Bondibon enhances reasoning, memory, and spatial and visual perception.

👉 "Santa Claus’s Gifts" analogous to the magnetic game.

Logical game “IQ-Genius Companion” from Bondibon

This game is an entertaining way to assess your spatial perception while also helping kids with their fine motor skills, reasoning, imagination, and mathematical abilities. Through consistent daily practice, the child will eventually be able to draw three-dimensional figures—particularly pyramids—on their own.

The analog of the Bondibon puzzle "LogikUM" is 👉.

Board game "Gobblet" from Blue Orange

This game of tic tac toe is extremely complex. Quick-witted, fun strategy game for kids 4 years old and up.

The cost of the original game is 2000 rubles, while the stylishly designed Lucy & Leo analogue of "Find a bird" is 800 rubles. It’s interesting that the low-cost equivalent, which includes figurines, is made of very nice wood, while the original is made of plastic.

Gobblet also has equivalents for "Glutton" and "Who’s Who" from Fortuna.

The game "No, thanks!"And an analogue

This game’s low-budget equivalent is called "Crocodite by." In order to avoid having to take the card with the crocodile for themselves, players are asked to feed the ravenous crocodiles tasty donuts as they pass by them during the game. The player holding the fewest images of animals with pointed teeth wins.

Board game analogs for kids

Game "Multicolored caterpillar" Haba

A fantastic game with adorable Step Puzzle counterparts! "Magic city" or "Colorful caterpillars" are your options.

Tactile lotto from DJECO and analogues

For young children, Tactile Lotto is an educational board game unlike any other. With its assistance, the infant will learn to examine each object by touch in addition to just seeing it. The game helps kids grow their fine motor skills, their ability to reason and associate, their vocabulary, and their ability to group and generalize objects based on features or belonging.

Tactile Lotto is one of the fantastic games produced by the French company Djeco (Dzheko). The game currently costs 3500 rubles. Thankfully, though, there are now so many equivalents that it is pointless to list them individually. Cost: starting at 300 rubles.

Board game "Pull out the carrot" from Ravensburger

The first person to reach the top of the hill must be the player-hare. The cards are facedown, and each player takes a turn picking them up. The player moves along the path the appropriate number of steps if a bunny with 1, 2, or 3 tracks is drawn on the card. You must turn a large carrot if there are carrots drawn on the card. The hole opens when the carrots rotate along the path. In the event that a bunny is present, the player must take another one because the first one fails.

Amazing game: kids love to play with bunnies and twist carrots. Analogs for budget games include "Twist carrots," "Eared races," and "Rabbits and holes."

Board game "Strawberry paths" from lifestyle and its analogues

Learn to count by gathering a strawberry with its cubs! After counting the berries you have gathered, string the same amount of large wooden beads from Lukoshka onto your lace.

The original "Strawberry Paths" game helps kids practice counting and develop their finger fine motor skills.

👉 Comparators: "Goslings-Beads," "Magic Basket."

Board game from DJECO "Associations. Zveryata" and its replica

"Animals" by DJECO is an association game. Placing the hero—a rabbit, frog, or cow—on the proper field—a meadow, pond, or vegetable garden—is the aim of the game. It is necessary to plant the rabbit in the garden if a carrot falls out, and the frog in the pond if a fish falls out.

👉 "Whose world is this?" is an analog game that costs three times less. is found in the ozone.

Board game from Ravensburger "Beaver Willie" and its analogues

1. Construct a sturdy dam. 2. Place Beaver Billy atop it. 3. To prevent damage to the structure, take turns removing logs from the dam.

A game analog from Fortuna called "Watchman-Beaver"

Additionally, take into consideration the board game analogs of "Don’t make the beaver angry!," "Hold the beaver," and "Funny beaver."

Board game from Fotorama "Crazy Bucket"

Toss a folded piece of paper into the pail. However, the players’ task becomes more complex as the "crazy" trash can will resist in every way possible. For example, its lid will open and close at random, and the bucket will move.

The games "The bucket has gone crazy" and "Crazy bucket" have an analog in this instance.

Game Name Analog
Monopoly Risk
Scrabble Boggle
Clue Guess Who
Chess Checkers
Settlers of Catan Ticket to Ride

Examining the analogs of board games can give family game nights a new meaning. Families can discover new favorites without deviating too much from their existing favorites by finding similar games with distinctive twists.

These substitutes maintain the familiar mechanics while adding excitement and variety, making them easier for kids and adults to pick up quickly. Everyone can be encouraged to be creative and spend quality time together by trying out various versions of classic games.

An engaging and dynamic way to keep the whole family entertained, board game analogs are perfect for those seeking a change of pace or a fresh challenge.

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Svetlana Kozlova

Family consultant and family relationship specialist. I help parents build trusting relationships with their children and each other. I believe that a healthy atmosphere in the home is the key to happiness and harmony, which I share in articles and recommendations.

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